In 2014 The Lord spoke to Noah who was now living in Somerset and said," Once again I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark Noah and save 2 of every living thing and also a few good humans."
He told Noah that he had 6 months to complete the task ,after that it would rain 40 days and 40 nights.
6 months later The Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping but no Ark was built.
Noah said "Forgive me Lord but things have changed "
"Firstly I needed a building permit , I have also had arguments with the boat inspectors regarding installing a sprinkler system. My neighbours claim that I've violated the bye-laws by building in my back garden and exceeding the height limitations. We are waiting on the local planning committee for a decision.
The local council and the electric company want a boat load of money for moving power lines etc for the Arks trip to the sea. I explained that the sea would be coming to us but to no avail!
Getting the wood was a problem, there is a ban on cutting trees to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl.I said having the wood would help me save the owls but they would not listen.!
When I started gathering animals the R.S.P.C.A. took me to court, they said I was confining animals against their will and it was cruel and inhuman to put so many into such a small space.
The Environmental Protection Agency said I could not start building until they'd done an Impact Study on your proposed flood!
I am trying to resolve a complaint with The Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I should use to help me build the Ark. Immigration will have to check the visa status of anyone who applies to help in the build.
The Trade Union movement say my sons cannot help me, I should only use union labour with Ark building experience!!
To make matters worse the Inland Revenue have seized all my assets , claiming I am trying to leave the country with endangered species!
Therefore Lord you must give me more time, at this rate it could be 10 years before I finish the Ark!!"
All of a sudden the skies cleared ,the sun came out and a beautiful rainbow went across Heaven.
"Does this mean Lord that you are not to destroy the land??"
The Lord replied " The government have already beaten me to it!!