Best one liners

If you see Howard tell him I want him!! :46:

He knows that Pearl, where ever he is , he knows that! :30:
Compo: "Nobody checked on my brain."
Foggy: "My God, that was a loss to the scientific community wasn't it."
Cleggy: They say are ancesters came from the sea, and yet I have this strange feeling my grandad came from Wakefield. And granny would have never married him if he had been wet. She was that sort of a woman; everything had to be respectable. There there was this unspoken assumption that nice people had no legs. ;D
Nora: Get your clothes off my clothesline! How many times have I told you. What's matter with you!

Compo: I think its just me marking me own territory:28:
Wesley: I've seen you with some terrible looking things.
Compo: There's a lot of mileage to be had at that end of the market.
Marina..........I think my bicycle might be there about half past four

Howard.........I think my bicycle might be there at half past four

Customer..........I think we'll all still be here at half past four!!!