June 201 ask onyx (John)

In this area, you can wait for an hour or more after your appointment time to see a doctor, but a much shorter time if your appointment is with a Physician's Assistant or a Nurse Practitioner. And that's despite our formerly very high insurance premiums and fairly high co-pays. The co-pays didn't change with implementation of the Affordable Care Act, but my Medicare Supplemental premium went from $195 per month for coverage through my former employer to $0 for essentially the same coverage except that we swapped prescription coverage that was heavily subsidized by that employer for Medicare Part D and a cash rebate.

Thank you Pearl for speaking up for us women. :).

John what was your favorite hobbie/activity as a child and as an adult?
I can remember as a child going through various hobbies at different times. Anoraky stuff like stamp collecting, building Airfix models, collecting autographs etc. My love of motor racing began as soon as I learned to drive and bought my first car, and still remains. I love taking photographs also and it's great to be able to combine the two.
okay, John . . . very basic . .. what is your favorite color ( colour, teehee ) favorite number, favorite actor, and actress?
btw, John, my husband and I hope to visit Ireland next year. I WILL be in touch.
okay, John . . . very basic . .. what is your favorite color ( colour, teehee ) favorite number, favorite actor, and actress?
Favourite colour is blue, I like the the number 50, especially on a banknote, Mel Gibson and Andie MacDowell :16:
What is your favorite meal?
If I was out for a meal I would usually go for a chicken curry, a korma would be my favorite. My dislikes in food are those we were fed ad nauseam as children growing up. Irish stew every Saturday, bacon and cabbage three times a week and porridge every morning that was prepared the night before.:( I was an adult before I realised it wasn't supposed to be in a solid lump (sorry mother)
lol Yes, John, I grew up thinking burnt toast was normal. Bless their hearts.....
No free born Irishman should admit to not liking bacon and cabbage! My husband loves it and the lumps in porridge are the best bits. I agree with the Irish Stew!
No free born Irishman should admit to not liking bacon and cabbage! My husband loves it and the lumps in porridge are the best bits. I agree with the Irish Stew!
My dad always loved bacon and cabbage too. He used to look for it if he was having a meal out and then take the waitress to task when he was told it wasn't on the menu.:(
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I remember my gramma Arthur making cabbage and sausage for my grampa. He loved it! Maybe that is the Irish in him. :)
John, where in Ireland ( excuse me, Republic of Ireland ) have you not visited and have always wanted to? Is it a shore or a castle?
John, where in Ireland ( excuse me, Republic of Ireland ) have you not visited and have always wanted to? Is it a shore or a castle?
I've haven't been to Northern Ireland all that much for obvious reasons but it's a lot safer nowadays. I'd like to visit the giants causeway and the city of Belfast. Other than that I would have been most places in Ireland, we once spent three weeks hitchiking all around the country and sleeping in a tent but that's not going to happen again;D
So John! What sort of things do you do online?
Do you use Google much?

What was the last thing you Googled? :12::12::12:
I like to keep in touch with the other forum members interests. Knowing about your interest in feminism I have only just googled it . It all looks very interesting, keep up the good work Pearl:respect::respect::respect:
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You're looking at the wrong stuff John, you want anti feminism!
I won't be burning my bra any time soon, have seen the price of them? ( That's my Scottish blood talking :16:)
You're looking at the wrong stuff John, you want anti feminism!
I won't be burning my bra any time soon, have seen the price of them? ( That's my Scottish blood talking :16:)
Some interesting stuff there too.
Wow..... So that's what you do on Google! Study philosophy! Very upper class :16:
