I just realized....

Oh Elmc Pearl is not like that at all. She has done that to many
of us here but it is not personal at all.

If she was to say something wrong on this forum, she would expect someone to get after her. ;)
Well, yes, and that's not nice. It's like calling someone a stupid idiot.

OK, I haven't called anyone stupid. I think you have the wrong end of the stick here. I wasn't laughing at you I was laughing at the idea that someone hadn't heard of Stan Laurel, has you well know because I PMed you to explain that. If I have caused offence then I again apologize but assure you it wasn't meant too.
Ellen , I'm with Beth on this! If she had meant anything Pearl would have certainly directed it at you. I think part of what she meant , the Fran episode was an afterthought somewhere to give Yvette Fielding a guest spot. She was supposed to be Crusher's girlfriend but we never actually saw them together! As a recipient along with Onyx/john of her wit I can assure you she is not getting at you personally whatsoever!!:smile:
LOL Actually, I'm just a tiny bit sorry for that whole list of revelations! LOL I was extremely tired last night and I tend to think it's ok to just tell everyone everything when I'm really tired. It gets me in trouble at work sometimes. Especially in front of customers when I really need to watch what comes out of my mouth. But that's how my supervisors know when it's time to send me home. LOL Sorry if I freaked anyone out, but yeah, now it's out in the open, so everyone can just think what they want about me. LOL

Anyway, I can imagine me at one of the coffee meetings! LOL "Yo, let's drink coffee until we're (bleep) bouncing off the (bleep) walls! I need a cigarette. Glenda, you wanna be my smoking buddy?" LOL They'd kill me!

Sorry for the mile long post. And I may be showing my Americanism here, but who's Stan Laurel? :confused:

Once, I tried to tell my niece what my aunt was like by comparing her nose to Jimmy Durante and her laugh to Phyllis Diller. Went over like a lead balloon.

The absolute key to not saying the wrong thing at work is to develop a number of safe stories or jokes that you can trot out at moment's notice. This is what you can do instead of trying to keep your mouth shut which never works. Also you can always say that something is "Peachy." That's an absolutely a safe word to bandy as much as you want around work.
Once, I tried to tell my niece what my aunt was like by comparing her nose to Jimmy Durante and her laugh to Phyllis Diller. Went over like a lead balloon.

The absolute key to not saying the wrong thing at work is to develop a number of safe stories or jokes that you can trot out at moment's notice. This is what you can do instead of trying to keep your mouth shut which never works. Also you can always say that something is "Peachy." That's an absolutely a safe word to bandy as much as you want around work.
I use that word a lot at work! It works, really. :)
LOL Well, I'll be working the day shift when I start my new job (seriously can't wait!), so it won't be such a problem. When I work the night shift, my mood stabilizers tend to wear off just before closing time when we still have a few customers and I get a little bit weird. I'm not as bad as I was when I first started out because I've learned to get it (mostly) under control, but I do have occasional slips. Which mostly involve threatening to kill my co workers and complaining about wanting a bottle of whiskey. And the F-word pops out a lot. My co workers actually get a kick out of it, especially when I do all that while dancing to whatever song is on the radio in the back. LOL I won't have to worry about that when I start my new job because I take my mood stabilizers in the morning, so it won't wear off at work. LOL :)
OK, I have been out for a little while and there are a handful of threads to catch up on. For this morning, I will focus on the ladies. The thread originally focused on the ladies.

As I mentioned before, I absolutely adore the group of ladies, in and out of their coffee mornings. At times I liked them as much as the guys and sometimes having a coffee morning with them seemed as desirable as running the hillsides with the guys.

Part of why I like them is that group is so REAL to me. It reminded me so much of my grandmother on my dad's side (the Nora-like one). Her lady friends would get together and they would have their hats. One of their hot topics- "How crazy everyone parks their car on their street (there actually wasn't anything wrong with the parking)" However, anything unusuall going on (like a different vehicle) would cause so much suspicion. It was amusing.

I remember one time I visited, she was commenting on a different car parked oddly, until in mid-sentence, she realized it was my car. Like the ladies in the show, my grandmother certainly wasn't the adventurous type.For years, she would only travel to 3 places, her doctor's, the church, and the grocery store (all within a three block radius).

I am ranting a little, but the ladies were not far fetched characters at all. They were very real.
OK, I have been out for a little while and there are a handful of threads to catch up on. For this morning, I will focus on the ladies. The thread originally focused on the ladies.

As I mentioned before, I absolutely adore the group of ladies, in and out of their coffee mornings. At times I liked them as much as the guys and sometimes having a coffee morning with them seemed as desirable as running the hillsides with the guys.

Part of why I like them is that group is so REAL to me. It reminded me so much of my grandmother on my dad's side (the Nora-like one). Her lady friends would get together and they would have their hats. One of their hot topics- "How crazy everyone parks their car on their street (there actually wasn't anything wrong with the parking)" However, anything unusuall going on (like a different vehicle) would cause so much suspicion. It was amusing.

I remember one time I visited, she was commenting on a different car parked oddly, until in mid-sentence, she realized it was my car. Like the ladies in the show, my grandmother certainly wasn't the adventurous type.For years, she would only travel to 3 places, her doctor's, the church, and the grocery store (all within a three block radius).

I am ranting a little, but the ladies were not far fetched characters at all. They were very real.

I know exactly what you mean Codfanglers.

My mum reminds me quite a bit of some of these ladies and also of Hyacinth Bucket who is cut from the same cloth. In fact, sometimes my brothers and I address letters to Mrs. Bucket when sending her something in the mail which she always fails to see the funny side of. :42:
Pearl actually reminds me of my great aunt. Except Pearl is A LOT nicer. And I'm not exaggerating at all. She beats her husband and yells at him and talks about how she knows he's cheating on her (he isn't). She's also extremely racist, which really bothers me. I'd actually rather be Marina hanging out with Pearl than be me hanging out with my great aunt. But she's family and I have to love her. Anyone else have any family members that are like the Summer Wine characters?

As I mentioned before, my grandmother on my dad's side was like Nora and my mom's mom was like Roz (as in personality, not referring back to exploits with men).

As for Nicko's last post; I teasingly call me wife "Hyacynth" sometimes when she is being picky over what we wear (to church especially).
Could whoever has the ability to delete posts please delete the post I made comparing Pearl to my great aunt. The great aunt I was telling ya'll about. Yeah, right after I hit send, my mom came in my room and told me that they were taking her to the hospital. When we got there they told us that they did all they could, but she passed away. :':)':)':)'( I can't handle looking at that post now that she's gone. I feel so responsible for her death right now. I just can't handle it. It's just way too painful.
Could whoever has the ability to delete posts please delete the post I made comparing Pearl to my great aunt. The great aunt I was telling ya'll about. Yeah, right after I hit send, my mom came in my room and told me that they were taking her to the hospital. When we got there they told us that they did all they could, but she passed away. :':)':)':)'( I can't handle looking at that post now that she's gone. I feel so responsible for her death right now. I just can't handle it. It's just way too painful.

Sorry to hear your new Holly,I have removed the post,Terry
Sorry to hear your new Holly,I have removed the post,Terry

Thank you. I just can't help thinking that this is somehow my fault even though I know it was a massive heart attack that killed her. It's just the fact that the last thought I had about her before she died was about how mean she was. I just don't know what to do or what to think right now. :25::25::25:

So sorry for your loss. Somehow it always seems worse when it's sudden like that.

It was very sudden. In fact, just yesterday, she was so alive and so energetic. We were having a barbecue and she was there, just being herself. She wasn't weak or sick or anything, she was perfectly fine. We even talked about having another barbecue next weekend and she said next time she'd bring pie. No one had any idea that it was her last day with us. It just completely blindsided the whole family.
So sorry to hear that Holly. Don't be so hard on yourself dear. Its not your fault. God took her quick and she is no longer in pain. Be at peace with the fact that she is in peace.

Praying for you and family.;)