
I can recall one year they were filming outside Nora's,they had the usual bank of lights and the cameraman commented to Alan Bell that the reflection could be seen in Nora's door, Alan Bell replied to leave them as it proved they had lights
Speaking of Cleggy's two things come to mind. One is the "painted" view from the door changes position sometimes and two the "mobile"letterbox! ::)

The "mobile" letterbox. How much can this mobility be attributed to the desire for dramatic effect? I can imagine Roy Clarke and Alan JW Bell plotting. "Wouldn't it be funny if we had Howard doing this. Wouldn't it be funny if we had Howard doing that." And for each variation a different position of the letterbox would be needed.

And why is it a "letterbox" when in fact it is a slot in the door with generally a flap on? Presume our US cousins know what we mean by a letterbox because they have genuine mailboxes which are boxes.
Yes, (in the US) where I live we actually have both types depending on the neighborhood. Older neighborhoods have the slot in the door or a small box beside the door and the newer ones have the actual box on the curb.
I always recall one scene near Auntie's shop there was a red door in the background, it became grey then red again all in the same day!
I only notice mistakes in the acting sometimes, such as in Tight Jeans and Metal Detector when Compo starts walking with very stiff legs in his new jeans when leaving the cafe, and Clegg impersonating this funny gait, but starting too early with it before Compo had even moved.
I´ve noticed an editing mistake in A Quiet Drink. First I thought it was youtube, but it´s on my DVDs as well. When Tina is driving round the carpark at the end of the episode and the trio comes out, there is a moment when the sound is completely out of sync. They come out out the door, followed by these other three characters, and that´s where the mistake is. The sound is way ahead.
in "Greenfingers" when Clegg reaches for the giant carrot you can clearly see the rip in his jacket in his armpit area
In 'Why Does Norman Clegg Buy Ladies Elastic Stockings',Wesley phones Seymour then puts the phone down and says "Cripes,he's even keeping the milkman out".Then when Seymour comes out of his house he says to Wesley "Of course I'm keeping the milkman out".
He can't have heard Wesley say that because he had already hung up the phone.
Just watched Bicycle made for three.
In the scene in Percy's garage/shed Compo says to Cleggy "Is that my frame?" then later says "Foggy keeps looking at my machine dead envious."
How can Foggy look at a machine that he hasn't built yet because Clegg had his frame.His machine must have consisted of 2 wheels ,handlebars and saddle.
LOL, I had to read that twice too until it dawned on me. Good one, George, I would never have thought of that.
Was watching "Welcome to earth" last night and the bit that winds me up, is when all the cars are arriving at the field and Foggy is saying "turn your lights off"...but he says it after the cars have already turned their lights off.
Still one of my favorite episodes though.."Mostyn is a genius".

G ; )
Think I spotted one in "Passing the Earring". When the gang spot Smiler behind the wall near Norahs they go up to him and for a while you can see the shadows of the sound man and his mike till they shift the lights. ;)
in "The Frozen Turkey Man" when the big angry man twists the rubix cube the sound of it twisting goes on slightly longer than he actually twisted it for
I have noticed a mistake in the picture section of the vine book,it has a picture from 1997 of cast and crew at a show anniversary party and it says M.Aldridge is in the picture but he sadly passed away in1994 as far as i know.Can anybody explain this. :)
Can't explain it, only that it's a mistake.

Possibly they meant 1987, celebrating 15 years.

Maybe someone has a later edition with the correct date?

Also, the first edition, at least, states Tom Owen was in The Bandit from Stoke on Trent. I don't think he is.
Also, the first edition, at least, states Tom Owen was in The Bandit from Stoke on Trent. I don't think he is.

Yes, he was, or maybe it was another one of the old episodes, but he was playing a man at a cash machine for a few seconds once, I even recognised him.
Also, the first edition, at least, states Tom Owen was in The Bandit from Stoke on Trent. I don't think he is.

Yes, he was, or maybe it was another one of the old episodes, but he was playing a man at a cash machine for a few seconds once, I even recognised him.

the cash point episode was the xmas special in 1991 situations vacant