jokes bad or otherwise.

I went to an all you can eat buffet
As soon as they came out this bloke took all the prawns
I thought, 'how shellfish'
This bloke said to me, 'I'm going to chop off the bottom of one of
your trouser legs and put it in a library.' I thought 'That's a turn-up
for the books."
I went to the barbers today and he said, "You're going bald."
I said, "Well you better get a move on then."
Tom Thumb,Cinderella and Quasimodo were talking. Tom said, I bet I'm
the smallest person in the world. Cinderella said. I bet I'm the prettiest
and quasi said and I bet I'm the ugliest in the world. So they decide
to visit the Guinness book of records and find out.
First Tom came out. "Yes Im the smallest."Cinderella came out. "Yes
I'm the prettiest". Then Quasi came out and said "who the hell is
Wayne Rooney?
I spent ages yesterday trying to work out what 24 multiplied by 60
minutes was, in the end I just decided to call it a day.
Man. United are bringing out a new kit for christmas. It consists
of a black shirt, black shorts, blacks socks....
.... and a whistle.
My mate Bill, thinks that he's King of the Chiropodists.
Or William the Corn Curer , as we call him.
I got all emotional at the petrol station today, i dont know why
i just started filling up......................
continuing my ideas of a medial career - I was considering the idea of an orthopaedic surgeon but I was told I had not got to make any bones about it.....