

LOTSW Fanatic
Partly prompted by Terry;s comments on use of words I am often itrigued by the use of some of the Usernames we ahve adopted. I have just checked through and I identified about 18 or 19 with a definite SW connection.

Now the question is - is this because the individual feels an affinity for the name of the individual they have "adopted" or just wanted to be different?
I chose my username very scientifically as it happens....the word 'Chuffer' makes me laugh!
Also I really like the episode 'Whoops' it's one of my all time favourites and one of the best Xmas there we are.
Mine is just boring. Its my name and age but the age will change on the 7th so may update the name!
My own name is in memory of my horse who i bred and trained.Hector was his stable name and his race name or official name was" Killynether "He was a wonderful animal and a real character who was found dead in the field.I still miss him...

Mine is just boring. Its my name and age but the age will change on the 7th so may update the name!

Can we do that? Some forums (?fora) I have been on do not allow it so if you change your ID you start again as a newbie, etc. However this one could be different.
My own name is in memory of my horse who i bred and trained.Hector was his stable name and his race name or official name was" Killynether "He was a wonderful animal and a real character who was found dead in the field.I still miss him...

That's sad,I think the horse is the most beautiful creature on Gods good earth.
Sorry for your loss
Thankyou Goerge.
I remember he and his mum used to graze a few fields away from where i worked and i would go across and sit with them at lunch times and share my Mars bar and believe or not,my ham sandwichs :D.When he got older i taught him tricks like bowing,give a kiss etc.He used to know the sound of the motorbike and apparently would get quite excited until i got there and then he would go to the back of the box pretending he wasnt really that bothered and play hard to get.I was hospitised for three months witha broken baken back(4 places)due to a motorbike accident and he died just after i was released.Some say he died of a broken heart as we were so close but im not sure i really believe that.Luckily i captured a lot of his antics on video and that is a treasured posession.

As George said mate, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Horses are magnificent creatures. Everywhere I ever visit I always go for a wander to see if I can't find a few lovely noses in fields to stroke.
I've recently moved out of the City and into the countryside and there are Horses in fields around me and I go out every day with a couple of Carrots for my new friends and have a chat with them. I go up to the gate and whistle and one who knows me now comes bounding over and I feed him and stroke his ears and have a chat with him for 10 minutes. It's one of the most therapeutic things known to man. I'd love a Horse of my own.
I have heard and indeed read somewhere that being around horses can be very theraputic.Those horses will get to trust you and become your friend,I would imagine they will even look for you if you visit at much the same time everyday.

Hector has been gone a few years now and i also worked with horses but still miss them all at times

Thankyou to everyone who replied

:) Hector , I sympathise with you for the loss of a companion but have to admit to being rather scared of horses since my mum took me to stroke one over 60 years ago! I was fine until the horse took a mouthful of my cardigan and ever since I've been wary.However I had to be a big brave Grandad a few weeks ago when I took my granddaughter to feed one some apples.
As to my username it speaks for itself, I have a chronic chest problem and have to "coffalot" to clear my chest. ::)
Sir coffalot
Im afraid we do encounter the odd rascal in the equine world now and then :D.Good to see though that you put the brave hat on and went with your grandaughter.I would encourage you to keep doing it and your confidence will keep growing and its a wonderful part of education for the younger ones.Well done you.

When my brother and i were learning to ride while still at primary school,he was kicked just above the knee and this made him very wary of horses for ever more.He began to be confident around Hector and his mum but i think he was happy enough to leave it there,so to speak ;D

Sir coffalot
Im afraid we do encounter the odd rascal in the equine world now and then :D.Good to see though that you put the brave hat on and went with your grandaughter.I would encourage you to keep doing it and your confidence will keep growing and its a wonderful part of education for the younger ones.Well done you.

When my brother and i were learning to ride while still at primary school,he was kicked just above the knee and this made him very wary of horses for ever more.He began to be confident around Hector and his mum but i think he was happy enough to leave it there,so to speak ;D


Oh yes indeed, there are some proper Monkeys about! The two new friends I've made are real rascals! I've named them Scamp and Chips! Scamp is a real character, he stands and looks at you and if you don't feed him he kicks the gate and then looks some more! Chips is a Piebald and milder in manner, but both chew on your trousers or coat sleeve if they feel they are getting less attention than the other, the 10-20 minutes I spend with them everyday is the more relaxing part for me. They are both young and bit boisterous, but now they are getting to know me, they are more affectionate.
Some horses are naturally impatient at feeding times and will often kick a door etc.The other unfortunate side to feeding tidbits on a regular basis is that "some" horses and i suppose other animals as well can behave like a spoilt child if you turn up one day with nothing for them.They "can" go as far as nipping or biting to show their displeasure.Some may just show signs of irritation or huff and simply walk off and leave you standing there.I have worked with horses for many years and have never really encountered any of this but i have heard it from others.

I dont want to give a wrong impression here or put people off interacting with horses as the above are not common occurances but rather situations that can arise with some horses and ponies

Oh yes mate, I appreciate that, they all have their own personalities. I've worked and been around Horses quite a bit over the years, I worked in stables for a while, some can be placid and some rascals. These two are still young and live out in the field so are left to their own devices so their characters are left to evolve in isolation. I was just telling the story to highlight what racals they can be. I find all their traits and idiosynchrasies really charming and fascinating and they constantly amuse me. Feeding a Horse and watching him chew and stroking his nose while he has a good chomp is one of the most relaxing and lovely things anyone can experience.
I'll take some pics and post them up if I think on next time I'm down.
Look forward to seeing them.I dont know how to post pics as i couldhave posted a few of Hector for anyone that was interested.

All this talk of horses - I can only think of oen or two episodes with a horse (or three) and at least two with donkeys. Any advance on that?
Barry's Christmas
The Flag and its snag
The Generals greatest battle
Catching Digbys Donkey
Isometrics and after

off the top of my head.
Chuffer - I had forgotten Generals greatest Battle, but had Big day at Dream Acres (with donkeys) as well in mind