I really appreciate your detailed directions, I'm definitely dropping in on my way back, for us LOTSW barmpots it's our version of a pilgrimage to Mecca!
Barry,it’s been playing on my mind that I need to give you some information that you wouldn’t get from looking at the map,in case you do visit this site,I was going to send it you privately but if it’s on here then everyone can see it if they wish to visit.
The best way to get to it is definitely off the A1616 Sheffield Road turning onto South View at Jackson Bridge,just a hundred yards on the other side of Sheffield Road is the White Horse pub (and two minutes drive from that the Butchers Arms) and above the White Horse of course is Cleggy and Howard’s house.
Anyway turn onto South View from the A616 Sheffield Road at Jackson Bridge.
(out of interest the house immediately on your right is where the old Summer Wine tour bus that starts at Sid’s cafe is kept)
Its only a very short road.
Turn left onto Staley Royd Lane.
This is one of the things I wanted to tell you,be careful here,it is very narrow and winding and steep,in parts it becomes really narrow,but it’s only a short section and it soon opens up.
You stay on the same road,but it changes names to Tenter Hill and Scar Hole Lane.
(you will pass a road on your left called Meltham House Lane,the various trios have walked along here many times,I remember Compo singing a song on the back of a tractor along here when he was supposed to be getting fit) and this road will lead to my favourite bench at Butterley Lane and the hundreds of scenes that were filmed there.
But carry on past that and continue uphill up Scaly Gate.
On the right you will see a bench,countless scenes were filmed on this bench,it’s also where Foggy’s Glory Hole was,and where Cleggy and Truly first met Entwistle,and where Ernie Burniston flagged Foggy,Compo and Clegg.
If you were to stop at the bench and look down,just slightly to your right is a body of water,that’s where the beautiful arched bridge is that’s been in a lot of episodes,it’s on private land.
Carry on driving up the hill with the bench to your right.
If you look to your right now you will see the farmhouse and hill that is so familiar to us all,that’s been in so many scenes,and to your left now is a little area where they filmed all the time,where all the various trios over the years have laid and talked,it’s where they first came across Lennie in my Barnsley accent post,and where they first met Billy.
Keep going up Scaly Gate and at the top of the hill you will see a single house on your left at the junction,this is the point from which they always sent things down the hill.
At this house and junction turn left onto Intake Lane.
The road becomes flatter now and opens up,this is where they filmed scenes from Spores and others too numerous to mention.
Keep following Intake Lane and within a couple of minutes you will be faced with our beautiful hill and path.
The other really important thing I wanted to tell you is,
despite looking at the map DO NOT attempt to drive down Hirst Lane either direction,or Scaly Gate,you will get stuck,they become nothing more than bridleways,despite in various episodes cars appearing to come down them,you could probably just about manage it in a tough off road vehicle.
Turn round,there’s plenty of room,and go back the way you came,as I said in a previous comment it’s a very short route from coming off the A616 Sheffield Road.
The only other way to drive to this hill is to turn onto Butterley Lane off the A616 further down at New Mill,again initially very steep and narrow,past the Summer Wine bench on your left and an area that will be very familiar to you,where I did my Big Tart post,and where Howard dressed as a Legionaire asked the way to France,and loads of others,
Turn right at this junction onto Hollin House Lane,and at the houses turn right onto Meltham House Lane,where you will be on the road I described earlier with Compo singing on the tractor,so just go left at the end of it.
Incidentally,if you were walking and didn’t take that right onto Meltham House Lane but carried on,you would end up at our famous hill coming from the direction our heroes always walked up it,but you can’t get up with a car.
I hope some of this makes sense and helps,it’s much easier to understand if you know the area and difficult to explain.
The main points I wanted to get across,to any of my friends on here that may visit one day is :
Be careful it’s very narrow,steep and winding.
Come back the same way.
(you can go straight across Sheffield Road then and call in the White Horse,the food is lovely)
Have a great time in York anyway,don’t forget to call in the Abbey gardens and come out at the bottom by the river,and if you don’t manage to call here,this information may help someone else some time.
Chuffer x