EPISODE 1 Gluvine, Cheese and Cake, Through a Port Hole to a Christmas Passed

I think your right with the gaming aspect, that was the impression I got. Did you see my ship videos, they were made by anim8te, a free ware for xp. I must have played around with that for 15 years now making models for the game virtual sailor. I have not tried the program on microsoft 10, but I still have the game which runs pretty well with my models on my laptop. It seems now writing, is a little less stressful now I have retired, although last year I dabbled with trainsim, building layouts in that of my local area. Like other things I get blasts of enthusiasm then it wanes.
Mac is 1 year old now. I am hoping he has done all his puppy stuff as I need to repair my garden. It was a place of sanctury I had planned for retirement but Mac had other ideas. We have always had Labradors, 6 in total and none of them were keen gardeners or plant re -arrangers. Personalities thats true, as each has its own .
I have just been reading the LOTSW character list on Wikipedia, and thought I could write in Mrs Avery's mother and father and how they met in episode 4 of my musings. Just thought, wasn't Mrs Avery, Silvia's mother in the Dr Hook song.
We have been watching Yanks Go Home. A series from 1975 and the word "guff" was used by the Colonel in the last episode of the first series. They were holding a liason committee meeting with the locals and he refered to the "guff the authorities had sent him about British customs" and how it would smooth relations. In the mean time the locals are at the camp gate scuffling with the G.I.'s. A funny series.
Guff is used to describe empty talk or nonsense so someone spinning you a tall tale or even writing something which is somewhat fanciful and unbelievable in content. Del Boy's sale pitches are a perfect example a load of old guff or cobblers.