You Tell Me Quiz 16


Staff member
Here is another picture of a location used in several episodes over the years,let see which ones you can up with,have fun

I cant think of any more episodes, but that is a lovely photo. A proper Summer Wine location.
This is a fun exercise, but like the others, I am clueless on all the "You tell Me" questions.

I can only take a wild guess and say "Follow That Bottle" because it could be one of a handful of stops the gang made in Entwistle's truck.
This is a fun exercise, but like the others, I am clueless on all the "You tell Me" questions.

I can only take a wild guess and say "Follow That Bottle" because it could be one of a handful of stops the gang made in Entwistle's truck.

Sorry it was not seen in that episode, I reckon we have run out of idea's on this one,lets try a new one