Yorkshire countryside video

Lovely video!

I've got some traveling to do. I failed to recognize too many of the locations.
Lovely video. I'm glad to see a few of my favourites, Ribbleshead, Whitby and Gordale on there.
I have no idea on any of the locations, but it sure seems nice.
Though one scene looks like the Humber Bridge,where we pay to get out of Lincolnshire
Rabbit's foot that jingles in your pocket, words that jangle in your head
Why did Summer Wine end so quickly, was it something Auntie said?
Lovers [Howard and Marina of Course] walking along a shore and leave their footprints in the sand
Is the sound of distant screaming just Pearl breaking the fingers on Howard's hand?
Hatstands in a hallway and the fragment of a song
Half remembered names and faces, but to whom do they belong?
When you knew that it was over you were suddenly aware
That your Anger was turning the colour of Stella's hair![bright red!!]
Like a cycle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel [Pearl's chained H's bike up again]
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind!

Composer : Noel Harrison - is it a Roy Clarke nom de plume
I only recognized the Humber Bridge. Would have been nice to have the names of the places shown on the film.
I recognise most of the places but not sure of the area of water and the windmill with sails, theres a windmill with sails in Scarborough town but that doesnt look like it, I have been by Roy Clarkes windmill and its well screened with trees bushes and big gates, theres a few windmills in that area 2 in Fishlake alone, if you ever get that way call in and look at the church in Fishlake its a very large church for such a small place.
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