Whoops scenes


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No Not the episode,but what have you wino's spotted in an episode that is an error, like continuity or reflections,I recall in some of the early cafe episodes you could often spot the boom mike at the top of the scene,one of the classic whoops was due to different directors used in losw and fosw, in losw In Uncle of the Bride Compo asked "Who's Seymour" where in fact according to fosw he would of known him as he was part of the gang
heres 1, in return of the warrior, seymour goes on about caining school boys and compo and clegg have 2 tell him b4 he leaves but in big day from dream acres, whilst there walking when the tramp stole clegg's bike, seymour was on about not being able 2 cain kids anymore.
In the Great boarding house bathroom caper Compo gets on the mini bus in plimpsoles when gordon is jacking the bus up Compo is in wellies and when they reach Scarborough he's back in plimpsoles.
You can consider this a prop malfunction, I suppose...

In the episode "Who's Got Rhythm", Wesley is giving a lift to the trio. Compo is in the back of the land rover, Clegg is seated between Foggy and Wesley, Foggy has a seat beside the window. After the scene where Clegg talks about the radio making it hard for discussions and Foggy saying it makes it hard for war stories to be told there's a scene of the land rover going down the road and Compo is falling about. I notice that the door window starts falling in on Foggy. Wonder what happened there.
I can't remember off the top of my head what the episode is called.
The scene is the morning rush at the cafe, there's a big crowd inside and Compo is hassling Ivy about the whereabouts of the other two.
Ivy is obviously stressed out, collecting the crockery from the tables outside (Compo nicks some food off one of the plates).
He then tries to follow Ivy into the cafe but isn't able to get by the very large man in the doorway, Compo says to the man "give us a lift up then" (or similar), so the guy lifts Compo up so that he can have a look into the cafe and see if his mates are there.
When the man lifts Compo up, his shirt is fastened up, when he lets Compo down again, his shirt is open to reveal a T shirt.
I too have noticed the mike boom a couple of times, although i think they were more prevalent in the earlier episodes.

G : )
In "Serenade For Tight Jeans and Metal Detector" Cleggy impersonates Compo who is wearing tight new trousers in front of the cafe, but when you look closely, he starts too early when Compo hasn´t started to walk yet.
According to the end credits of Next Kiss Please Wesley is played by Gordon Whamby.
In the very first episode, Compo refers to Noras' Husband as 'Harold'. I guess as it was a pilot things inevitably change, but still a continuity error.
There are also many scenes where an actor is smiling when he/ she wasn´t supposed to or things like that, for example Ivy in Cheering up Gordon when she is argueing with Sid on the beach about their sex life, she can hardly restrain a big grin about the dialogue. You can often see her with half a hidden smile, especially at cheeky scenes :D.
Another scene that I noticed a few days ago was one that cracked me up, in the Welsh Ferret episode. When they look for the ferret in the room with the open coffin and Compo sees it running through a book shelf, right after that he waves his arms about and nearly digs his elbow in Cleggy´s stomach what makes him flinch, go "Ow!" in a low voice and then also makes him grin, that was clearly not supposed to happen. But it´s so quick and almost invisible that you only notice it on the DVD.
There are also many scenes where an actor is smiling when he/ she wasn´t supposed to or things like that, for example Ivy in Cheering up Gordon when she is argueing with Sid on the beach about their sex life, she can hardly restrain a big grin about the dialogue. You can often see her with half a hidden smile, especially at cheeky scenes :D.
Another scene that I noticed a few days ago was one that cracked me up, in the Welsh Ferret episode. When they look for the ferret in the room with the open coffin and Compo sees it running through a book shelf, right after that he waves his arms about and nearly digs his elbow in Cleggy´s stomach what makes him flinch, go "Ow!" in a low voice and then also makes him grin, that was clearly not supposed to happen. But it´s so quick and almost invisible that you only notice it on the DVD.

I have noticed plenty of those as well.
In Pole Star while in the cafe, compo remarks that if he was undressed he would look like a black pudding in wellies, Clegg has covered his face with both hands but you can see him supressing a chuckle. There also appear to be a few ad-libs thrown into several scenes at various times.
I also suspect that when Compo confronts Nora and says to her "That's a man and I'm a Woman - forget that" that it was a slip up from Bill but they left it in.
I have also noticed on ocassion, Brian Wilde doing his best to keep a straight face with Bill Owen at some of their one liners.

It all makes up for the best ever comedy on TV.
I was watching the xmas episode of "whoops" last night and noticed when the trio were in the pub, the clock on the wall shows the time as 8.45pm (ish).
The next scene, where Nora and Ivy are talking about giving the men a bit more time, then they will go and pick up the pieces, the clock in Nora's house shows it as 8.30pm.
The following scene in the pub, again shows the time as 8.45pm.
Still a cracking episode and one that i hadn't seen until i bought the DVD set.

G ; )
I have spotted a few times,when clocks are involved that the time changes out of sync, or jumps 10 minutes in a 1 minute scene, I think Whoops is a great episode and I love the way they ended the show with the theme music with words,Terry
I've noticed in the earlier episodes you can see the boom and the operator. i cant remember the name of the episode but its the one where Sid uses his van to hoist compo onto the cafe roof to replace tiles, you can see the boom etc in the reflection in the van.
I've noticed in the earlier episodes you can see the boom and the operator. i cant remember the name of the episode but its the one where Sid uses his van to hoist compo onto the cafe roof to replace tiles, you can see the boom etc in the reflection in the van.

That episode is "Mending Stuart's Leg"......
I noticed in the very first episode after the pilot that Cleggy had a minor slip of the tongue. When they were sitting in the library (must be around the 10th or 11th minute from the beginning), he forgot one line and started with the one after (being something with "it breeds"), says "it b..." and goes back to the correct line as if nothing had happened, and then says this line as it´s supposed to. I must say, I have seen it many times and never noticed!
Has anyone ever notice in the episode "Forked Lighting" that at the beginning of the show when Cleggy has his first embarrassing accident on his bicycle, someone at the bus stop calls him Cyril.

Watch it here and listen closely at 51 seconds....

At the time Nice one Cyril was a catchphrase from a tv ad that swept the country.Everybody was saying it .It even spawned a soccer anthem.:)
Ahh, so that´s what it was! I have been wondering for a while if they had confused him in the script with Blamire.
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