This Horse meat Saga


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Picked up on the news that it is likely this horse meat in our beef products originated in Romania, the powers that be state there is no health risk,but 2 years ago Italy who imported a lot of horse meat from Romania banned it because of health risks after testing the meat and finding problems.

Now Italy banned the import of this meat,yet today our powers that be state the UK cannot block the import because of EU laws,now is Italy not in the EU

I am surprised we have not yet heard the normal statement, We must make sure this does not happen again, which should end unless we get caught out again
If the horse meat is fit for human comsupion then there is nothing wrond with eating it in my view, its healthy meat and better for you than beef but if their importing dodgy meat then they need to be prosicuted
Sorry I was trying to run that though spell check but pressed the wrong button! :-[
Picked up on the news that it is likely this horse meat in our beef products originated in Romania, the powers that be state there is no health risk,but 2 years ago Italy who imported a lot of horse meat from Romania banned it because of health risks after testing the meat and finding problems.

Now Italy banned the import of this meat,yet today our powers that be state the UK cannot block the import because of EU laws,now is Italy not in the EU

I am surprised we have not yet heard the normal statement, We must make sure this does not happen again, which should end unless we get caught out again

I have been trying to find the humorous story about the response of the differnt nations to EU regulations. The best I have come up with is from "Yes, Minister"

Frank: "Won’t the other EEC countries object to carry identity papers too?"
Sir Humphrey: "No – the Germans will love it, the French will ignore it and the Italians and the Irish will be too chaotic to enforce it. Only the British will resent it."

If the horse meat is fit for human comsupion then there is nothing wrond with eating it in my view, its healthy meat and better for you than beef but if their importing dodgy meat then they need to be prosicuted

That is fine as long as you know what it is you are eating. One problem - what did you pay for? Horse is somewaht cheaper than beef. And there is this potential "bute" injection problem.
I've eaten horse in the past, 60+ years ago, but cannot remember the taste( ???)I am still here so it must have been ok at the time. :-\
If the horse meat is fit for human comsupion then there is nothing wrond with eating it in my view, its healthy meat and better for you than beef but if their importing dodgy meat then they need to be prosecuted

That is fine as long as you know what it is you are eating. One problem - what did you pay for? Horse is somewaht cheaper than beef. And there is this potential "bute" injection problem.

Yes that's the other thing, if its advertised has beef it should be beef but there is nothing wrong with horse meat per say ! Its just the British that have an oversion to it.
I think if you buy beef, you should get beef!! If you bought a brand new car, and they delivered a bicycle, you wouldn't be happy, also, if we let things slide and say Oh well, horsemeat is cheaper etc, god knows what they may start giving us. I am sure that this is illegal advertising surely., if it was dog/cat etc, people wouldn't be so complacent about it.

This might also get people cooking real food, instead of buying ready meal rubbish, as you know what goes into your own cooking, I never buy ready meals, I cook everything from scratch, even my biscuits, cakes, puds, lemon curd. etc.

A regular Mrs Beeton I am these days
I think if you buy beef, you should get beef!! If you bought a brand new car, and they delivered a bicycle, you wouldn't be happy, also, if we let things slide and say Oh well, horsemeat is cheaper etc, god knows what they may start giving us. I am sure that this is illegal advertising surely., if it was dog/cat etc, people wouldn't be so complacent about it.

This might also get people cooking real food, instead of buying ready meal rubbish, as you know what goes into your own cooking, I never buy ready meals, I cook everything from scratch, even my biscuits, cakes, puds, lemon curd. etc.

A regular Mrs Beeton I am these days

What time is dinner at your place minxie
I think if you buy beef, you should get beef!! If you bought a brand new car, and they delivered a bicycle, you wouldn't be happy, also, if we let things slide and say Oh well, horsemeat is cheaper etc, god knows what they may start giving us. I am sure that this is illegal advertising surely., if it was dog/cat etc, people wouldn't be so complacent about it.

This might also get people cooking real food, instead of buying ready meal rubbish, as you know what goes into your own cooking, I never buy ready meals, I cook everything from scratch, even my biscuits, cakes, puds, lemon curd. etc.

A regular Mrs Beeton I am these days

This is all very true, I have always made from scratch because it was cheaper than buying ready made and it was the way I was brought up plus you know whats in it.
Hope they dont find problems with fish cos I'm eating a fair bit of fish these days ;)
I'm with Susan and Minxie here. I'm fortunate that I have time to make everything myself. When Ma was so ill I tried to make sure she didn't miss out on anything, and that included good food, so I did my best to make the best food I could for her. I don't think I ever had many ready meals.
Just checked and noticed that Booths, a smaller supermarket mainly found in Cumbria, Yorkshire has not withdrawn anything: mind you they do not exactly have a 'value' line of goods! One does not shop at Booths to economise!

I am told by my Chiropodist that their Venison burgers are especially tasty!
I think we have just joined the club, it seems they have discovered illegal horse meat here as well!
May I ask a question? Is horse meat eaten in USA? My guess is not but an authoritative statement would be helpful from one of our correspondents across the Atlantic.
They funny thing is, we do actually eat it here. Only very little, it isn´t common at all and most people certainly never had it, but I know that it is popular in my area, sort of. I wouldn´t like to have it though, horses are almost pets to me.
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