the trio's childhood and the Hemingways


Dedicated Member
I am currently watching the first Truly series. There seems to be an increased amount of discussion about the trio's childhood and the interesting characters from their school times.

For one, they mention the character Ceggy (?) Hemingway, who stuffed worms down Truly's shirt. I recall that is the third Hemingway used in Summer Wine (Biff and Clem being the first). There is something about the name Hemingway that Clarke must really like.

Now here is a crazy thought that might be unrealistic and also might be blasphemy for some of you traditionalists out there (but it is just a thought). In a story similar to my ideas, Disney has bought the rights to Lucas Films, in order to make more Star Wars movies. Like Star Wars, Summer Wine is a legacy in its own. I have an idea now for two Summer Wine spin offs but its not realistic to have Clarke write a whole lot more due to his age. What about the idea of Clarke appointing a younger writer to carry on the Summer Wine legacy and continue with some of the characters? I know I will get mixed results.

OK, here are my two ideas.

1. The first....similar to what has been mentioned before, a spin off featuring Barry and Billy (and maybe Hobbo). It would be a continuation of the characters, but with a different title so not to tamper with the true Summer Wine.

2. This one I got watching the early Truly episodes... a spin off showing the trio's childhood (with characters such as Biff Hemingway, Ceggy Hemingway, Chunky Rumbelow. It could be rather interesting! This would take place in the 20's and 30's, correct? An attempt to show Yorkshire during that time would be interesting and perhaps educational.

Thoughts, anyone?
Hello Codfanglers.
Have you seen First of the Summer Wine? That takes place in the thirtys.
Has for the your first thought it would have to be a very good writer and the BBC would have to be convinced but to be honest I think they have left it too late now.

There was an idea to have a spin off with the 2 policemen, in my oppinion that would have been great but it never got off the ground, its such a shame but I think we have seen the last of Summer Wine :(
I like the first idea, but as you say a title change would be necessary as it would be getting further away from the original plot.

I often wondered about a prequel set around 1970, where Clegg's wife is still alive, Blamire is working, as are Sid, Ivy and Wally. Compo will be doing as he always did.

I wouldn't want this to go down the Heartbeat route though, with distracting 60s music and drama.

I don't know about it not being written by Roy Clarke though, I don't think he's that old or senile yet. ;D

Perhaps the prequel could feature one last appearance of a certain Mr Clegg Senior...
I like the first idea, but as you say a title change would be necessary as it would be getting further away from the original plot.

I often wondered about a prequel set around 1970, where Clegg's wife is still alive, Blamire is working, as are Sid, Ivy and Wally. Compo will be doing as he always did.

I wouldn't want this to go down the Heartbeat route though, with distracting 60s music and drama.

I don't know about it not being written by Roy Clarke though, I don't think he's that old or senile yet. ;D

Perhaps the prequel could feature one last appearance of a certain Mr Clegg Senior...

Mr Clarke is 82
82, yes.

When do you stop writing though? Is he a 'young 82'?

Would always favour a Roy Clarke script against someone trying to imitate one.
I don't know about it not being written by Roy Clarke though, I don't think he's that old or senile yet. ;D

Perhaps the prequel could feature one last appearance of a certain Mr Clegg Senior...

Mr Clarke is 82

Just for verification sake....I don't know much about Roy Clarke's personal health and I certainly believe he could still write today. However, I am thinking long term....for a show to continue thriving for 10-20 years (which I know is a bit of a dream)
I met Roy Clarke last year and he didn´t seem "old" to me at all, he seems very young in a way, difficult to describe. If this hasn´t changed I´m sure he can write things. I´d love to read new things with the Foggy or even Blamire trio again, doesn´t even have to be filmed.
I wouldn't want this to go down the Heartbeat route though, with distracting 60s music and drama.

Sorry bout this buttt ..... As much as I have always loved LOTSW, and
have every episode to watch .... I still really like Heartbeat as well
as The Royal, and in part because of the great 60's music and
automobiles. I do not find these distracting at all The shows are much
different, but I love all three. Oh yes, also really like FOTSW as well.

Thanks to those that added to my thread. I always enjoy different points made to my posts, and I understand I am one that doesn't have the full picture on things.

Let me stress two points here.....

1. I guess I was treading on dangerous territory when I brought up the idea of Summer Wine related programs written by someone other than Roy Clarke. As mentioned in my original post, that can be considered blasphemous! So let me clarify this thought. I DO believe Roy Clarke can still write today. And if it was going to be a new program that runs for two years (like a lot of British programs) then Clarke could certainly do it. This idea of mine is a bit overly optimistic when I vision these ideas for new programs running over ten years. Then, ultimately, another writer might have to pick up where Clarke left off.

Now I didn't say that any write could do this. I suggested that Roy Clarke personally recruit someone he would believe would do the job properly.

2. Being a Yank, I don't have the full picture of how television is run in the UK. I often mention ideas about Summer Wine Comebacks (a bit of a dream really) and someone usually mentions the BBC as the main obstacle. So now I am getting to understand the picture a bit. The BBC has a monopoly on British programming.

In the States, I will use writers, Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David for example. They had a great run with Seinfeld with NBC (National Broadcasting Corp.) Lets say they play a comeback but new executives at NBC decline. Then they would go to CBS, ABC, or FOX. Unfortunately it appears that those options aren't there in the UK. I may be writing the obvious, but perhaps I am just a bit slow to pick up certain things.

In the old forum, it was mentioned that the Queen enjoyed Summer Wine. If only she had some influence. Also, I believe Summer wine is one of those British shows that can be carried by its popularity in the US. As Time Goes By had specials after the regular series ended that were made for the US Public Television audience.

So I understand we have seen the Last of the Summer Wine as we know it. I will not complain because the writers, directors and cast provided us with decades of joy. However, I might be stubborn to think there are still ways to extend the Summer Wine tradition with prequals and sequals.
I often wondered about a prequel set around 1970, where Clegg's wife is still alive, Blamire is working, as are Sid, Ivy and Wally. Compo will be doing as he always did.

This could be quite good as well!

I met Roy Clarke last year and he didn´t seem "old" to me at all, he seems very young in a way, difficult to describe. If this hasn´t changed I´m sure he can write things. I´d love to read new things with the Foggy or even Blamire trio again, doesn´t even have to be filmed.

****, you sure do get around. Hanging out with Peter Sallis and meeting Roy Clarke. Pretty soon you might be able to write your own Summer Wine book!

Hello Codfanglers.
Have you seen First of the Summer Wine? That takes place in the thirtys.

And yes Susan, I saw a glimpse of it. I might really like it but the problem is I just can't get into watching shows on my computer. I am just accustomed to watching them on TV. I guess its a mental thing. My other problem is here in the States, I can only get the Summer wine specials on the internet.
I will probably find myself out of step here, but I don't want a return of Last of the Summer Wine in any form. It could only be a very pale imitation. I loved 'First of the Summer Wine' but it was not that popular. We had over thirty years of fun with these people, now let it go, I say. What I would like is another novel by Roy Clarke. He could even bring Compo back in book form.
I do have a letter from Roy Clarke. I had asked him how long he would go on writing, and he said, until he drops!
The Queen was a big fan of BBCs The Good Life. That series ended, then it was decided to make a one-off episode recorded in the presence of the Queen. That would be one excuse to make a LOTSW finale.

In America it's very common to make a series of about 24 episodes, with a large team of writers contributing. Often, I have to say, the quality can be consistently high.

With some good script editing the results could work on a LOTSW sequel.

Have to stress again, a different title would have to be used.
I will probably find myself out of step here, but I don't want a return of Last of the Summer Wine in any form. It could only be a very pale imitation. I loved 'First of the Summer Wine' but it was not that popular. We had over thirty years of fun with these people, now let it go, I say. What I would like is another novel by Roy Clarke. He could even bring Compo back in book form.
I do have a letter from Roy Clarke. I had asked him how long he would go on writing, and he said, until he drops!

Ultimately, you are correct, Sue. However, I just can help but to be a dreamer with this topic.