The Numpties at the BBC are now complaining

Thanks Terry.

It serves them damn well right. Do I have an ounce of sympathy? No.

Maybe now it will hit home just what a huge gap they left by cancelling SW.
Still it's too late now, what is done is done. If they did by some miracle even consider bringing back the show I doubt if Roy Clarke would have the same enthusiasm to even write any more episodes.
Also there is a serious doubt the cast could be reassembled,also would they too want to consider returning.
I doubt very much that either Peter Sallis or Frank Thornton would be involved and that would be unthinkable.
Has the old saying goes " You don't know what you've got till its gone" !!
Or it could be a song??!!
Anyway its true. We should remember that when we re pay our licence fees!
So sorry for you all...same thing has happened here in the states. That's
why I buy my LOSW I'll have something good to watch.
Yes it does serve the beeb right they are preocupied by foul mouth comedians and totaly unfunny shows ,this shows that the bright left wing young things should never be allowed to dictate what we watch.Agree that our show can never come back but there will never be anything like it again.
On one hand the beeb are getting what they deserve, but on the other hand, could summer wine return? I doubt it. I only doubt this because of the age of Roy Clarke, would he really want to write more? The age of the cast, different characters would need to be involved and maybe that wouldn't work. I think a spin off would have been a great idea if it had happened just before the end of the series.
I think we should remember what a truly great program LOTSW was.
People go on about Only Fools And Horses being the Beeb's best sitcom. It was good but LOTSW beat it by a country mile IMO
People go on about Only Fools And Horses being the Beeb's best sitcom. It was good but LOTSW beat it by a country mile IMO

Spot on. I even rank Dad's Army and Rising Damp (although I would probably get my hands slapped nowadays as it is no longer 'PC' to like such things - Rigsby's racism, sexism, etc.) above OFAH, to be honest, I was one of the few who found very little of that series actually funny.
People go on about Only Fools And Horses being the Beeb's best sitcom. It was good but LOTSW beat it by a country mile IMO

Spot on. I even rank Dad's Army and Rising Damp (although I would probably get my hands slapped nowadays as it is no longer 'PC' to like such things - Rigsby's racism, sexism, etc.) above OFAH, to be honest, I was one of the few who found very little of that series actually funny.
As I mentioned earlier on the forum,Alan Bell had another 10 episodes available and offered them to UK Gold,so I am guessing there would of been at least outline scripts from Roy Clarke in the offing, UK Gold being 50% owned by the BBC turned them down,which I find very odd as LOSW has been their bread and butter for many years, I doubt very much BBC would ever bring the show back,as they would have to admit they made a mistake

Looking through the TV listings these days I feel very saddened as there very little that I would like to watch, and I never worry about missing something as it will always be repeated several times, the BBC are good at doing this using BB3,BBC4 & BBC HD as repeat channels,they have very little to put on BBC1 these days so they sure have nothing to put on all these other channels other than repeats
Sorry Terry, I missed the thing about Alan Bell and the 10 episodes.

The BBC is very poor nowadays. I look at their schedule and shudder at the daily garbage people are forced to pay towards. yet some people sit and watch it all day - my neighbour for one.

I seem to recall the culture secretary telling themselves and ITV that they had to stop copying each other like kids, well, that one worked well, didn't it! ;D
I agree - OFAH I found barely funny. I'm not sure what it was about that series that put me off. Maybe it was because virtually NONE of the characters were the kind of people you'd actually want to be friends with in real life ? - I guess the same criticism could apply to Rising Damp, and many of the other comedies too. And a lot of the other comedies were set in less than attractive surroundings. Summer Wind was an exception to both of these - Most of the characters were endearing and the scenery you'd die for.
Even thoughI cant watch OFAH anymore, I've seen it too often, some of it hasn't aged well at all and it got a bit too repetitive at the end, I couldn't downplay it's comedic and cultural significance in any way. I can see why it was voted the best ever on that BBC poll. it has made it's way into the hearts and minds of the nation in a way that few other things do, TV shows o5r otherwise.
Although Summer Wine is my preference as numero Uno, I would put OFAH at number 2 for its impact, longevity, writing and characterisation.

As for as the divvies at the Beeb made your bed and guess what?'s time for a lie down. Tough.
I'm sure a few of us here could get our heads together and write a smashing sitcom and if we did, I wouldn't take it to BBC1 on principle.
Just spotted this on the web, unbelievable that now the BBC are complaining they cannot get enough comedy shows

It's a shame that site doesn't have an option for comments - We could give them a roasting. Something like - "Well, you were stupid enough to axe the longest-running and most popular comedy series ever".

Yes I could think of a few comments for them!
I agree - OFAH I found barely funny. I'm not sure what it was about that series that put me off. Maybe it was because virtually NONE of the characters were the kind of people you'd actually want to be friends with in real life ? - I guess the same criticism could apply to Rising Damp, and many of the other comedies too. And a lot of the other comedies were set in less than attractive surroundings. Summer Wind was an exception to both of these - Most of the characters were endearing and the scenery you'd die for.
Re OFAH,I could see myself being friends with Rodney,about it
I have always thought OFAH was best before they started with all the extra characters like Raquel etc. I totally believe that the whole show was ruined from that point onward, especially Casandra she just annoyed me. Whereas, with Summer wine, more characters became involved, but only when a character had gone away, for whatever reason. The main trio always stayed just the three with no extra baggage, making a great entertaining show.
I have always thought OFAH was best before they started with all the extra characters like Raquel etc. I totally believe that the whole show was ruined from that point onward, especially Casandra she just annoyed me. Whereas, with Summer wine, more characters became involved, but only when a character had gone away, for whatever reason. The main trio always stayed just the three with no extra baggage, making a great entertaining show.

I agree mate, I always thought they should have ended it once Rodney got married. The whole point of the show was that they were wheel dealer chancers and the interrelationship between the 3 main family characters was its core. I know they got older and things change and art reflected life, but to leave it there would have been a good ending. It was pretty average up until that 1996 3 parter that was supposed to be the finishing point when they found the rare watch. That really should've been the end of it.
20 years ago I watched every evening a program on the BBC.
Nowadays I don't know which number I have to press to watch BBC ???
Since I have digital television I can watch BBC3 and 4.
But now I forget to watch the documentaries I want to see.
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