Steven Lee New Member

Steven Lee

New Member

Im Steve, Im 25 years old and I am a huge fan of Summer Wine (I even shed a little tear when the closing credits come up on the last episode!!)

I was wondering if anyone knew if anyone was aware if there are any plans to release the entire box set, every single episode, on DVD?
Hi Steve
Welcome to the forum,I believe the reason the whole series is not available, is that the BBC own 50% of The UK brand satellite channels on sky, the have been flogging losw to death on these channels,then every so often show the next batch of episodes,a short while after this they then release the last batch on DVD and at the current rate it could be 2020 before they are all available on dvd, as losw is so popular and all the other shows shown on UKTV are already available, it is only losw that attracts subscribers and keeps the money rolling in, you will also notice it is a rare occasion when the BBC repeat the show on their main channels,they want you to pay to watch them again,Terry
Not that it is a possible download, but ... pretty much
the entire set is available as one huge download from