Series 10, Episode 3; Dancing Feet


Dedicated Member
If memory serves me correctly, this is the one that guest stars Don Henderson as the shopkeeper. This is a character similar to Arkwright, and would have made a good recurring character - though I think by this time there were enough regular supporting cast members.

Don Henderson has a good part here, as he proudly shows his medical section - 'Tubes! I got things in tubes!'. He also gets to have a go at Ivy and Nora as they prod the vegetables. Great stuff.
This is a great episode, yes it would have been nice too see more of Don.
after the excellent treasure of the deep as the previous episode anything after was gonna struggle 2 match it imo, the plot is a gud 1 and there are funny moments in it and its an ok episode, but when i compare it 2 TOTD theres no contest imo. 6/10