sales assistants?


LOTSW Fanatic
I think Terry touched on this some time ago. I went to our local Curry's/PC World yesterday .I wanted a new monitor for my tower PC..
Do's any one else notice that when you go in such places just to browse, the assistants are all over you like a rash. When you go in with the intention of buying you cant find one?? :13:>:(
Happened just the other week in pissyworld,had not got through the door and we were hounded,decided to buy something and had to hunt down a sales staff,then it took them 20 mins to find they had no stock and they tried to push us onto another product which was twice the price
I don't have trouble with sales assistants that way, but I always walk into Best Buy, a computer/electronics store, with great trepidation as I know they are actually speaking English but I often cannot understand a single word.
I don't have trouble with sales assistants that way, but I always walk into Best Buy, a computer/electronics store, with great trepidation as I know they are actually speaking English but I often cannot understand a single word.

That's where a geeky son in law comes in handy ;)
There used to be a record store in Tunbridge Wells called Sam Goodys. You couldn't walk through the door without being pounced on. Very irritating.
You know what gets me, is when you walk into a place, for example: Moe"s (casual eatery), the say or yell, "Welcome to Moes". It gets on my nerves ,I don't know why it just does. Also our local Family Dollar, the cashiers, no matter if they are with a customer or not. They always say hello, or welcome. I know that they are just saying welcome. I suppose if it was causal and NOT EVERY SINGLE TIME I WALK IN, I wouldn't mind. Sorry just had to vent that. I'm wierd!:13:
I know what you mean, however I always embarrass the OH by negotiating hard on price. I would have been pushing the alternative product for the price of what I went in for. It sometimes works.
Go into most Curry's Stores and you are pounced on straight away when you just want to browse.
Maybe if you walked in with one of those masks on when your sick. You know what I mean. Those white masks that cover your mouth and nose. It might deter them to thinking you have a contagious disease.
Why are they always 7 foot tall, and called James or Darren?

They are usually over-knowledgeable, and you haven't got a clue what they are going on about.

Anyone remember the Not the Nine O'Clock News sketch set in an electrical shop, with Rowan Atkinson as the sales assistant mocking Mel Smith's customer? Though the technology has changed a little, it's just as relevent today.

Then there's the other problem: when you actually want some assistance, the gits are always too busy.

Or are they?

That's another trick of the sales assistant. Trying to look busy. You can be trying to get their attention, and if they don't want to help, they scurry by avoiding eye contact at all costs.

My favourite though is the inexperienced, young salesman who doesn't know what he's doing. You ask if they've got something he's never heard of in stock. He goes to have a look, and two seconds later he's back, and says 'No we have got any'.
Go into most Curry's Stores and you are pounced on straight away when you just want to browse.

Try taking a laptop back for 8th time and you'll see how fast they can dodge under a counter, they move fast when they want too.