Registration etc


Staff member
Just to make folk aware that when they register with the forum they have to answer three basic questions, this is to avoid non fans of the show trying to gain access,once you have passed this stage the software mails me to let me know, as this stage I always check that the ip address matches and the user name and email address is not on any known spammers list, this part will be done asap after I received the e-mail but can be a few hours later,so far this has worked in keeping out undesirables,in fact only one managed to get access to the site in the early days before these steps were put into place

There has been as many as 10 attempts a week to register with the forum from countries that are obviously not wanting to join because they are fans, I still notice several attempts a week to log into the forum probably just chancing their arm and trying to brute force passwords,when I spot these I block their entire ip address range and in future they cannot even access the website, the block list has many thousands of ip address in it now

So fingers crossed we manage to keep them out,though if one did get through we would soon notice by their posting and soon remove them for good
Good work Terry, we all appreciate what you do. Keep those perimeters secured.
I'm sure we all appreciate these precautions and are thankful for what you
do to keep the site running! :)
I was once webmaster of an association.
I know how much work it is and it never ends.
You see a lot of people using the website.
And you see also a lot of trials to abuse the webserver.
Trying to keep those burglars out, staying polite to unsatisfied members and keeping in mind your work is appreciated although not a lot of people tells you so, is sometimes very hard.
Terry is doing this all very well!

As second moderator of this forum I am ashamed not being so active...
Good work on guarding such a nice site Terry.It would be a shame to see it polluted by undesirables and possibly spoil what i consider is a nice friendly atmosphere.

AS lomg as an insect the size of a Shetland Pony hadn't had it away with his Bayonet!