Old listings from the Radio Times online


Active Member
The BBC have launched a website listing all the tv & radio listings from the radio times from 1923 onwards.


It's quite interesting to look through, and see all the programmes that used to be on. Can also look at the listings for your favourite programmes. So for example, for a long time there was some debate about the broadcast of the episode "Merry Christmas, Father Christmas" and series 9 (which was shown first) caused by the dates given in the Bright and Ross book. I think its long been decided that it preceded the series, but for proof if you look at the listings, here's "Merry Christmas.." on 28th Dec 1986


And the first episode a week later


Also interesting, is the episode "Barry's Christmas". This aired without an on screen title, and it appears in the radio times without a title too. I wonder when this title became attached to it then.


The pilot entry (with the original full title of "The Last of the Summer Wine" is here


If you have a few hours to spend it 's a fascinating site.
Some time ago, I insisted that Wind Power was the final episode of Series 9.

Yes, it certainly looks like they were scheduled to be broadcast with "When You Take a Good Bite..." on the 15th followed by "Wind Power" the week later -



So was there a last minute switch to the order made after the listings were published, or is this a long standing error that's just been perpetuated over the years, even down to the DVDs being put in that order. I'd tend to think that the order must have been switched after the listings, but before broadcast. I'm sure the error would have come to light at some point, either by one of the behind the scenes books, particularly Alan Bells book.
The BBC have launched a website listing all the tv & radio listings from the radio times from 1923 onwards.


It's quite interesting to look through, and see all the programmes that used to be on. Can also look at the listings for your favourite programmes. So for example, for a long time there was some debate about the broadcast of the episode "Merry Christmas, Father Christmas" and series 9 (which was shown first) caused by the dates given in the Bright and Ross book. I think its long been decided that it preceded the series, but for proof if you look at the listings, here's "Merry Christmas.." on 28th Dec 1986

Also interesting, is the episode "Barry's Christmas". This aired without an on screen title, and it appears in the radio times without a title too. I wonder when this title became attached to it then.


I recall that Barry's Christmas was first used by Sumer Wine Appreciation Society, whom Bright and Ross got a lot of their info from.

Some of the earlier confusions arose because the order changed between filming and broadcast - the original exhibition (prior to Compo's place) tended to list things in filming order because their information was collated while on location and presumably not corrected against broadcast. Certainly my original personal lists were compiled from this source.
The alternative title to Barry's Christmas is The Rescue of Father Christmas, according to my sources.