Looking for a specific episode shot in Marsden

Steve May

New Member
Hello all. Lovely to be here.

I have a LOTSW question that is quite specific. I am looking for a particular episode that had a scene shot in Brougham Road, Marsden. Specifically the side cul-de-sac to the south often marked (incorrectly) on a map as Mill Road which leads up to Manchester Road via a little path.

Please allow me to explain why.

I used to live on Brougham Road - in one of the houses on that little side street I mentioned. Seven or eight years ago I was working a long way from home, in a small town called Berri which is about a five hour drive out of Adelaide in South Australia. I had been out there for a while, living in a motel, working at one of the wineries there. I remember I had one particularly bad day at work and got back to the motel deep in a bout of homesickness, missing home, my wife, and my daughter.

I ordered a terrible hotel burger on room service, and put the TV on. To my surprise, they were showing an episode of LOTSW on Australian TV. So I watched it, feeling even more homesick. And this particular episode featured Compo and the gang in some kind of go kart vehicle and it was shot on that little side street in Marsden where I lived. It was shot literally outside my front door. There I was, 12,000 miles away, feeling homesick and fed up and there on TV in a hotel room miles from anywhere is my own house!

It's a long shot, but does anybody have any idea which episode this might have been?

I'm afraid I can remember no other details. Any help much appreciated.
Sounds like The Only Diesel Powerd Saxophone in Captivity. Series 19 episode 6
Sounds like The Only Diesel Powerd Saxophone in Captivity. Series 19 episode 6

It could be but it would be a help to know what scene/ what was going on at that moment they were outside the house
That was just off the top of my head but there could be more. Terry could you post a clip of that to see if we have it right?
That was just off the top of my head but there could be more. Terry could you post a clip of that to see if we have it right?

I can but I cannot see any filming in the location unless it was the short clip when Barry was with Edie and the saxophone case slides below his coat
I was thinking it might have been when Compo and Goatie were racing on the go carts.
The only other one with go carts I can think of is Wheelies but that wasn't on the street.
Actually some of it might have been.
Greets and Weclome, Steve !! :18:

Amazing that you tune in a TV and see your house while half a world away.

I tried looking for the scene you are talking about but not sure I found it. Looking on google maps of the area it seems really built up with houses and such on each side of the street. While the videos seems to show grassy areas and stone fencing with some buildings.

After checking Diesel Powered Saxophone and also looked at Lot No 9 with the trolley coffins and it did not look like the spot either. Sadly no Compo in that episode. Wheelies did not seem like it either. Can you give us more to go by on what was going on in the episode you saw?