Location Question 3


Staff member
Now this is easy,I popped in for Tea who lived here

Who is Debra Norbury. Did a google , didn't come up with much,, never mind found out character on FSW. Only seen 2 of them and you tube was poor quality. Need to look for newer ones.
So Terry , do you know the people who live there?
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She was the object of the young Seymour's adoration in First of the Summer Wine. She loathed him, and thereby hung several plots.


I need to look up FSW again, Maybe you tube has better quality now. I want to see them all, but not to purchase them.
I thought most of the cast was very true to the later day cast. I enjoyed it.

I saw Compo drops in, and I think one more , on you tube. quality was very poor and hard to watch. I was lost because I didn't know who was who, needed to start from the beginning. Clegg , and Seymour stood out. Got the girls, confused a bit.
I saw Compo drops in, and I think one more , on you tube. quality was very poor and hard to watch. I was lost because I didn't know who was who, needed to start from the beginning. Clegg , and Seymour stood out. Got the girls, confused a bit.

For the most part, apart from one or two they were really good. You should start at the beginning and work from there it'll be easier.