Link between Summer Wine and Esperanto


LOTSW Fanatic
I have been looking through my VHS video collection lately with a view to seeing what I now have on DVD, what I may buy and in a few cases what I might transfer to DVD as there are no commercial copies available. And hopefully create some space on my shelves.

In this process I have found a link between Esperanto and Last of the Summer Wine!

I was going to say what it was, but in case any one else has spotted this, I thought I would give them a chance to air their knowledge!
You have me at a serious disadvantage here. My knowledge of Esperanto is nil!
Apparently Esperanto was a language designed in the nineteenth century to be easily learned but I have absolutely no idea what the connection to Summer Wine is.

Philip Jackson played a character who promoted the use of Esperanto in a sitcom ...

Any one know which one?
Well done Big U - the Last Salute has almost faded into obscurity as not on DVD or VHS although I recorded the series as I was out when they were on and still have the tapes. They came to my attention when I was sorting out piles of stuff in a corner of Barmpot Towers!

Then I recalled the Esperanto sessions as when I went to school our french teacher was very keen and got us to learn Esperanto in our spare time. I used to have the book 'Teach Yourself Esperanto' but could not recall any of it now.

I recall that The last Salute was not especially exciting but passed a pleasant half hour every week fora little while when i saw them.

For those who do not know it - it was about the antics of AA crews in the days when they still drove motor cycle combinations and saluted motorists who sported the AA badge.