Love the snow Terry very festive. We will let Big Unc keep his in Scotland (Sorry mate I love it)
could it be the snow that's slowing down my access time
to this web site? sure seems slower lately.
I love the snow, I'd like it to stay (and it's only for a couple of weeks)
could it be the snow that's slowing down my access time
to this web site? sure seems slower lately.
Yes, it will have a small effect on the page load times, but shouldn't be too bad I hope.
Babs, how much snow do you have there? Your town has been shown several time in the news. :( :(
We have seven or eight inches on the ground, not as much as up north. But it's been bitterly cold, -3 F out right now and windy. And no I don't think I'm related to the Babs in LOTSW.....but one never really knows, does one!
We may hit -1 degrees here in Indy. The furnace just keeps running. It's making me sleepy bundled under the blankets and I just want to keep drinking hot tea. I guess I will pull an all night LOTSW marathon. :) :yawn:
We may hit -1 degrees here in Indy. The furnace just keeps running. It's making me sleepy bundled under the blxxxxts and I just want to keep drinking hot tea. I guess I will pull an all night LOTSW marathon. :) :yawn:

Is that -1[sup]o[/sup]C (just a wee bit cold) or -1[sup]o[/sup]F (brass monkeys weather).

And is one allowed to say 'blankets' on television (if you recall the Eric Morecambe line)?

I now note from the Preview that one is not allowed to say 'b l a n k e t s' and I am struggling to think why.
We may hit -1 degrees here in Indy. The furnace just keeps running. It's making me sleepy bundled under the blxxxxts and I just want to keep drinking hot tea. I guess I will pull an all night LOTSW marathon. :) :yawn:

Is that -1[sup]o[/sup]C (just a wee bit cold) or -1[sup]o[/sup]F (brass monkeys weather).

And is one allowed to say 'blxxxxts' on television (if you recall the Eric Morecambe line)?

I now note from the Preview that one is not allowed to say 'b l a n k e t s' and I am struggling to think why.

Maybe its the US version on a Slanket?
Has to do with the letters A and N and K and E that happen to spell
the name of a member who no longer uses that name for some
odd reason we are not allowed to know about. Since that member no
longer uses that name, not really sure why we can't.