Just a Thought


Staff member
In the episode come in Sunray Major, Foggy buys duff portable radio's, he found out early on they were duff, why did he not take them back.

I know it would of ruined the story, he did not get them from Auntie's , maybe Dirks but I would of expected Foggy to be mad enough to try and get his money back.
It wouldn't have mattered if he had bought from aunty. He would have no hope of getting his money back. She ate trained killers for breakfast.
I'm guessing Foggy didn't buy them from a particularly reputable source, he may have bought them from Big Eric where he bought his Christmas Tree map from !!!!!
The fact that the radios didn't work was even better. Foggy could then BLAME the other two for causing the radios to fail. Then one radio was run over by a tractor and crushed. And rather to simply say to Foggy, the radio was crushed by the tractor; they had to come up with that scheme to make the crushed radio the "hero."