Is nostalgia of the show kicking in now



well as i say do you think now that the nostalgic look of the show is kicking in with Last of the Summer Wine, i ask because last week was the news of all the repeats on UKTV and today in the suns tv magazine there was a bit about First of the Summer Wine being one of there favourite prequels (they were on about endeavour) so im starting to think that now its looked back at a lot more favourable than when it was on hence why i said is the nostalgia starting with the show now, of course now there are a lot more fans of the show who have got into the show via the repeats, still i do think now that the show is looked at a lot better than when it was on
I think you could be right. I would still like Roy Clarke to do another series of First of the Summer Wine with of course different actors with a new generation of lotsw fans it might just work. What do others think?
possibly so, but we must remember it is now open to a much wider audience than it used to be both in the uk and around the world on various days and at various times in many cases.
I think with all the exposure LOTSW gets now it certainly has found a new audience.

The thing with cable tv is that it puts the same series on so often, you find yourself compelled or even forced to watch it - and very often you end up quite liking it.

There's not a lot not to like about LOTSW anyway, but if you happen to switch on, and LOTSW is on, I think many people would end up watching it, if only because nothing better is there to watch. Which is often case...
well as i say do you think now that the nostalgic look of the show is kicking in with Last of the Summer Wine, i ask because last week was the news of all the repeats on UKTV and today in the suns tv magazine there was a bit about First of the Summer Wine being one of there favourite prequels (they were on about endeavour) so im starting to think that now its looked back at a lot more favourable than when it was on hence why i said is the nostalgia starting with the show now, of course now there are a lot more fans of the show who have got into the show via the repeats, still i do think now that the show is looked at a lot better than when it was on

Sorry - totally and utterly incomprehensible and essentially an insult!!!!!!!!
well im sorry you feel like that big unc, i thought it was quite clear and i never it as an insult, all the time i was on gold and here before and the other forum and back on here i have rarely said summat which was to insult anyone personally, im sorry you were offended but i was only expressing my opinion which we all are allowed to do on here
Think he was insulted by the lack of punctuation in your post. :)

Bit hard to read. ;)
Think he was insulted by the lack of punctuation in your post. :)

Bit hard to read. ;)

I guess one could be "irritatated" by the lack of punctuation if they choose so. I, on the other hand, think it is a great topic. The popularity of Summer Wine at the time it was running compared to now is worth looking at. I believe the high ratings the repeats have been getting are due to the demand for quality, family-friendly comedy.

I wonder how much the BBC execs considered the revenue Summer Wine could bring when they cancelled the show. I always thought Summer Wine's popluarlity overseas (The US, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) could be reason enough to keep it going.

I began watching Summer Wine around 2007, but all that time American Public Television was running rerunds. I never really watched it while it was "New".
Think he was insulted by the lack of punctuation in your post. :)
Bit hard to read. ;)

I guess one could be "irritatated" by the lack of punctuation if they choose so. I, on the other hand, think it is a great topic.

It is possible then that you understood what the topic is. The originator of the topic has said he is expressing his opinion which he is entitled to do. Quite right. Only trouble is, I haven't got a clue as to what his opinion is and what he is trying to say. Just over 120 words by my count, not a single full-stop, two commas, I think, scarcely any capital letters. To me, totally incoherent. What it is saying to me is the author just wants to rant on and could not care less whether or not we can read and understand what he is trying to say. He will not pay us the courtesy of taking a little effort to make his contribution comprehensible.
Well I take your comments unc, I will try to be more careful from now on
well im sorry you feel like that big unc, i thought it was quite clear and i never it as an insult, all the time i was on gold and here before and the other forum and back on here i have rarely said summat which was to insult anyone personally, im sorry you were offended but i was only expressing my opinion which we all are allowed to do on here
I dont know how I missed this tread ???, I`ve only just noticed it. For the record Darren I did not find your post in the least bit insulting or incomprehensible.I just took a little while longer to read through and I think you made some good points there.I understand that there are all sorts of contributors on the forums with various different ways and abilities of expressing themselves, it would be a very boring world if we were all the same.It is just a good honest to God forum where ordinary folk are free to express their opinions as best they can. The old Etonian`s literary society it is not ! ;) ;) ;)
If you're asking if we're feeling nostalgic about LOTSW, then I guess we all would be to some degree. Perhaps some of us miss the show more than others, and to watch repeats on cable TV or DVD kind of drives that point home. This is why I'm upset at my local public television station here in the US, because they pulled LOTSW off their Sunday night programming schedule. They were showing two half-hour episodes back-to-back, and they've since been replaced with As Time Goes By and Chef -- neither of which I particularly like. It makes me miss my weekly dose of LOTSW that much more.
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