How to Create a New Plastic Artform

Big Unc

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Make up your porridge in plastic microwaveable bowl as per usual.
Place bowl in microwave (combination) oven on microwave and ovenproof plate.
Instead of setting oven for 2 minutes ten seconds microwave set for 200 degrees centigrade convection.
Start oven (set now for 200 degrees centigrade Preheat).
Go turn on television and watch morning news until after around fifteen minutes you realise microwave oven is still operating.
That'll do it.
Sounds the same has putting an automatic kettle on the hob. ::)
An original and the new work of art:

Nice, like your taste in crackers too. ;D
The statement of putting something in the microwave and leaving to watch TV struck a chord. My husband will never forget the time he put some pizza in the microwave. This was when microwaves first came out and instructions were not normally included on the packaging. He looked at the instructions for reheating in the oven and thought that it would be wise to cut the time in half. So he set the microwave for 15 minutes and went off to watch TV. Needless to say, 15 long minutes later smoke billowed out into the kitchen.
Poor Big Unc! lol. Did you ever get your breakfast?
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