Hard Drive, is it really One Terabyte?

Confusion always reigns people think of kilobytes like they do kilometre in metres , kilograms in grams etc they are taught at school and think its a thousand bytes when its actually 1024.
I can still fondly recall the pre-Gigabyte hard dive days in personal computing. Back when thinking a few hundred Megabyte drive would be all one could ever need. :geek2:
I worked on mainframe systems from 1980 and the storage was exchangeable discs which you physically had to remove and attach to the disc controllers . I worked as a programmer initially and then in the Operating System Support . The machines rarely ran at weekends so on my last Friday evening shift we would make a copy of the Operating system software to a backup disc pack , shut the system down and unload all of the key disc packs from the drives and it used to scare the hell out of me because if you damage them basically you have no system . 5 of these huge disc packs had a capacity of 1 gigabyte in total . The floor space that occupies is immense now a USB stick can give you 128 gb which shows how far technology has progressed.

I worked on mainframe systems from 1980 and the storage was exchangeable discs which you physically had to remove and attach to the disc controllers . I worked as a programmer initially and then in the Operating System Support . The machines rarely ran at weekends so on my last Friday evening shift we would make a copy of the Operating system software to a backup disc pack , shut the system down and unload all of the key disc packs from the drives and it used to scare the hell out of me because if you damage them basically you have no system . 5 of these huge disc packs had a capacity of 1 gigabyte in total . The floor space that occupies is immense now a USB stick can give you 128 gb which shows how far technology has progressed.
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You can buy a 1TB micro sd card for around £20 these days