Greatest Scene From the Cafe

This is really not about a scene per se, but in the later shows, there is wall full of postcards on the wall next to the door. There doesn't seem to be a reason for these cards but yet they are there. Is there a reason?
not too sure about the postcards, but it brings to mind the other posters you used to find on the cafe walls, mainly in the first few series, often football or rugby fixtures which were between real teams and which i am sure were authentic...the best for me was an advert for a football game between huddersfield town and walsall....had to be real because walsall is spelled incorrectly... :)
The whole cafe scene with the metal detector is brilliant! The comedic timing is spot on. Every time I see it, it reminds me of the "Who's on First?" routine of Abbott and Costello, extremly funny and meshes together so perfect.