Getting Sam Home.

Mine is when the men are at Lilly Bless her and the men are in her sweaters etc and drinking tea and then Foggy feels for Sam's pulse and he drops Sam's arm and Lilly streaks behind him and makes Foggy jump out of his skin. I always laugh out loud.
Mine is at the end, when the very worried trio find that Ivy, with Sid helping with the heavy lifting, has swapped Sam's body back into the coffin and saved their scheming hides. It shows Ivy as smart and compassionate, characteristics that we hadn't seen before, as well as competent, which we already knew. It also shows that Sid and Ivy's relationship was one in which he could ask her for help, as long as he was willing to endure a tongue-lashing.
I loved it to when Ivy show the men so much compassion and Cleggy ran up to Ivy and kiss her several times. So unlike Cleggy.

Also noticed Foggy asked Cleggy, "What should we do now" in this episode which put Cleg in more of a leader role.
I like every moment in this episode.

It's so gritty.

I particularly like every scene with the chip van in it.

I also like hearing the characters' 'thoughts'.

Though it isn't a typical episode as such, some how this episode contains everything LOTSW is all about, and it has to be one of the greatest pieces of BBC TV filmwork ever made.
When the the neighbour is pictured running down the road is a good moment and the chap who asks for prawns is priceless ,his face when the arm drops down is brilliant all in all a brilliant episode.
One of my favourite parts, of my favourite episode. Outside the old school.

Clegg: Do you remember the day that little yellowhammer flew straight at the window? you picked it up.
Compo: Aye, it had lovely markings.
Clegg: It had a drop of blood on its beak, identical colour to ours. Just one drop. Like a bright bead. And then there were all those brightly plumed kids who left school, flying cheerfully and didn't get far. Ran smack into World War 2.
Foggy: That's right look on the bright side.
Compo: Eh, cheer up!
Clegg: Little Tommy Naylor, lying in Africa somewhere, blood on his beak, identical colour to ours.

The mood is then lightened as Compo and Foggy push Clegg off the Wall.

The next scene has Foggy struggling to get up th steps as all the school children come down.
A wonderful episode.