Gentle Comedies

She didn't but only because Richard (yes he was also called Richsrd) her hubby wasn't as much a pushover as hyacinth hubby and something he wouldn't be into.
She once binned a load of my books etc which my ex borrowed. Alternative ideas etc. Not Christian, in the bin. I was fuming for about 2 minutes and then chuckled. She was actually lovely I liked her and her hubby loads. Pair of Conservative types but I do not care as long as you're decent etc.
I have always wondered about that one where they were going to a hotel for a golfing vacation. The thing I was wondering about was at the hotel, the door to their room had three ravens on it. And the specific reason why that intrigued me was that my coat of arms also contains three ravens. Very interesting.
I am sure this has been mentioned before, a comedy written by John Sullivan (of only fools and horses fame) called Just Good Friends, it was a strange premise - a woman jilted on her wedding day meets up with the chap who jilted her years later. It should have been an uncomfortable topic, yet , there were some very wittily written scenes. It was released on DVD but was edited due to some copyright issues I believe due to music being used. It may not be laugh out loud comedy, however it had is charm for me at least.
But it has Cousin Kevin who scarred me for most of my childhood : ) Will check it out nonetheless as episode one appears to be on YT.

Edit: A few minutes in, Penny appears to be on a date with Young Hobbo.
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I'm not sure if Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em counts as gentle comedy, but I got my wife into watching it a few years ago & she probably likes it more than me now!
My mam and dad loved it and as a kid I did too. Obviously the roller skate scene really impressed me and especially when my dad said Michael Crawford used to do all his stunts including the skate scene. I was very impressed :37:
I know the film was slightly speeded up during the skate scene but that was still dangerous. 1 slip or misjudgement and the best he can expect is serious shredded knees etc and the worst very bad injury or death. It was risky. He was highly competent skating but as the old saying goes accidents do happen. I wouldn't have done it.
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My mam and dad loved it and as a kid I did too. Obviously the roller skate scene really impressed me and especially when my dad said Michael Crawford used to do all his stunts including the skate scene. I was very impressed :37:
I know the film was slightly speeded up during the skate scene but that was still dangerous. 1 slip or misjudgement and the best he can expect is serious shredded knees etc and the worst very bad injury or death. It was risky. He was highly competent skating but as the old saying goes accidents do happen. I wouldn't have done it.
Compo did it better ;)
Hey Barry , I cannot find the original thread but sure you posted you had tickets for Count Arthur Strong well last night it was my turn, absolutely brilliant I wish you had seen him by now so I could share the highlights but I won't spoil the surprises . You can tell he knows his craft his comic timing is impeccable , I and indeed the whole audience loved it start to finish . I don't know if you have any of the merchandise but its there if you wish to buy instead of buying from his site . They filmed the show [seems they film at my local theatre for the DVDs they release] .

Whilst I was walking through the Foyer I saw another poster for him he is touring A Christmas Carol later in the year thought you may like to look for tickets near you sadly the date here is not good for me because I will be away :(
Hey Barry , I cannot find the original thread but sure you posted you had tickets for Count Arthur Strong well last night it was my turn, absolutely brilliant I wish you had seen him by now so I could share the highlights but I won't spoil the surprises . You can tell he knows his craft his comic timing is impeccable , I and indeed the whole audience loved it start to finish . I don't know if you have any of the merchandise but its there if you wish to buy instead of buying from his site . They filmed the show [seems they film at my local theatre for the DVDs they release] .

Whilst I was walking through the Foyer I saw another poster for him he is touring A Christmas Carol later in the year thought you may like to look for tickets near you sadly the date here is not good for me because I will be away :(
Thanks CC, I see him this Saturday looking forwards to it as I've not been to Theatre Severn for quite a while now! so thanks for not spoiling it...
He's more or less sold out the main auditorium with only a handful of single seats remaining. Just shows the loyal fan base he still gets as this is nearly 1000 in a small town like Shrewsbury. I'm off to see John Shuttleworth's Raise the Oof! show next year and he doesn't normally get more than a couple of hundred in the audience.

Thanks for the heads up on A Christmas Carol, that has the makings of being hilarious. Is it not worth watching him at another venue in the UK and making a break of it. That's what I tend to do if I want to see as show I cannot make locally?
I had looked at it but poster on the site shows a lot are sold out [were tickets for Tyne Theatre] Leeds Variety is probably the closest but it is sold out and the poster shows most venues as sold out those which are not also clash with my time away so I have kind of accepted it but I am sure after what I saw on Sunday it will be a cracking show. I have no doubt you'll have a fantastic night Saturday . Strange about numbers for John Shuttleworth because I'd have thought he'd have similar fan base numbers.
Hello Barry,

I forgot to ask did you enjoy Count Arthur ? As I write this I am laughing to myself about the Firestarter moment and of course the opening Get the Party Started :D:D:D
I did enjoy it CC. but more so than most other comedians I watch I found it a bit 'samey' I started to tire of him a little towards the second half of the show. That Beatles puppet show he did at the end was completely crackers :p

After you let me know I booked tickets to go and see him in a Christmas Carol at the end of the year, that should be quite interesting as he's playing Charles Dickens so not quite sure what I'm going to get! Did you enjoy him CC or do you find his material a bit repetitive?
I am a huge fan I laughed start to finish because he is so different from other comedians . He plays the role of a failed but in his own mind genius Vaudeville performer to perfection. I listened to his radio shows and still do even though I know the lines off pat . In those he has stooges as he did in the TV show so on stage as a solo performer you don't get that interaction. I am assuming the Christmas Carol will have that .

The malapropisms and the befuddlement I guess you may find repetitive but I look beyond that and think how clever it is to maintain that over the length of the show and how much effort he must have made to deliver it so perfectly . It's crafted like performers of old Cooper, Morecambe and Wise , Two Ronnies and practiced until perfect so I guess its really the craft I admire and that overcomes any thoughts of it being repetitive . If its great then why change it .

I have been to quite a few comedy shows in recent months Tom Allen who was terrible , Miles Jupp who was excellent as was Rhod Gilbert , the latter two's show was written around their illnesses Miles's brain tumour and Rhod's cancer and you'd think it would be a tough watch but in adversity they were just so so funny and clearly like the Count they put a huge effort into preparing the content , Tom Allen on the other hand was irritating, first half lazily picking on the front row of the audience asking names etc then trying to adlib [badly] and the second half his own scripted autobiographical and observational stick delivered by mostly shouting I found him just irritating and annoying .
I am a huge fan I laughed start to finish because he is so different from other comedians . He plays the role of a failed but in his own mind genius Vaudeville performer to perfection. I listened to his radio shows and still do even though I know the lines off pat . In those he has stooges as he did in the TV show so on stage as a solo performer you don't get that interaction. I am assuming the Christmas Carol will have that .

The malapropisms and the befuddlement I guess you may find repetitive but I look beyond that and think how clever it is to maintain that over the length of the show and how much effort he must have made to deliver it so perfectly . It's crafted like performers of old Cooper, Morecambe and Wise , Two Ronnies and practiced until perfect so I guess its really the craft I admire and that overcomes any thoughts of it being repetitive . If its great then why change it .

I have been to quite a few comedy shows in recent months Tom Allen who was terrible , Miles Jupp who was excellent as was Rhod Gilbert , the latter two's show was written around their illnesses Miles's brain tumour and Rhod's cancer and you'd think it would be a tough watch but in adversity they were just so so funny and clearly like the Count they put a huge effort into preparing the content , Tom Allen on the other hand was irritating, first half lazily picking on the front row of the audience asking names etc then trying to adlib [badly] and the second half his own scripted autobiographical and observational stick delivered by mostly shouting I found him just irritating and annoying .
I think you've hit the nail on the head there, when I went to CAS first few shows there was ensemble which I think made it more funny. I too have listened to the radio show loads of times and I love the interaction on frustration the other characters have with CAS. His last few tours have been just him, perhaps that is a financial decision rather than an artistic one but for me it was just a little too much of the same.

I too am hoping A Christmas Carol has a cast as it has the propensity to be hilarious, but I don't think I'd go and see CAS on his own in the future. John Shuttleworth is also touring again next year with Raise the Oof! I'm really looking forward to seeing him as I never tire of his life observations!!!!
Would be nice for someone to collate the list of recommended comedies in 1 post... would make searching for good/bad/ugly easier :)