The lounge in my home faces west, consequently for the whole morning it is my favourite place to be, the sun is behind the house until past 1400, so the lounge is beautifully cool.
Through the PM though it starts to cook, and by mid-evening it is as though the microwave has been on all day and I MELT!! I have found, with the passing years that I can tolerate (or is that tollerate?) heat less and less. I simply go into some kind of suspended animation, unable to even move.
I park myself in front of my industrial sized fan and vegetate.
Through the PM though it starts to cook, and by mid-evening it is as though the microwave has been on all day and I MELT!! I have found, with the passing years that I can tolerate (or is that tollerate?) heat less and less. I simply go into some kind of suspended animation, unable to even move.
I park myself in front of my industrial sized fan and vegetate.