E bay hacked.


LOTSW Fanatic
Not being a user of E BAY it will not bother me , but apparently they were hacked a few weeks ago and only now are they advising customers to change their pass words. :( It is on msn today.:13:
Seen that on Sky news. I think its a bit late to tell people now. I've just deleted one of my accounts, I'm thinking of ditching it altogether because the new rules their bring in are pants. I use Amazon more now anyway.
It is getting scary how accounts can be hacked. I dont use credit cards at all. I use my debit card only which has only money for bills. If there is extra money it stays in a savings which is a different account number.

My bank is small so if they see strange transactions, they call me. It gives me some security.
Not really used e_bay for selling for a long time as they have got greedy and more interested in the big sellers and companies,which is even more obvious in the last 2 years as before then on a regular basis I used to get e-mails with selling offers,now they cannot even be bothered to make contact for security reasons,I still have a account which I have had for around 15 years,occasionally it comes it handy to buy something,but as Pearl said Amazon seem to have the upper hand these days for buying and selling a lot of used stuff these days using their site as a marketplace for smaller sellers,not sure what their selling rates are though
Yes, I would have to add that I like Amazon and have had no problems with it so far.

I still use my bank account though. I am somewhat gun shy of credit cards. It does help me from spending. If only our government was as careful......(just had to add that...it's John's fault...he started it!) ;D
Notice how they waited about a week or so before actually coughing up the fact that they had been hacked. This type of news is improved by the tincture of time?
The delay in making the data breach public is concerning, but I'm even more concerned that it took e-Bay until this month to detect a breach that took place in February and March.
