Crushers DVD


Staff member
For those of you that did or did not make it to the 50th Celebrations, Jonathan is releasing a DVD of his one man show, I understand the disc with be hand signed and a dedication is also possible, UK Price is £13 inc postage, overseas postage will be at cost, running time is 1hr 40 mins.
Watch this thread for details on how to order, the link below is just a short clip from the show.
I am advised that if you contact Jonathan at which is also his paypal address, mark the email header as DVD order, if you are overseas contact Jonathan to confirm the amount with air mail shipping, otherwise it is £13 inc postage for UK buyers, I would allow 14 days for UK delivery and a little longer for overseas, don't forget if you want it dedicated as well as signed do mention this in the email
He is quite the artist, I would love to have his whole LOTSW collection. Thank you for the info Terry..
Although I was there with others from the forum, what is great having the dvd if you missed anything due to a distraction you will be able to see it again
Anyone remember David Jason in Roy Clarke's 'The Chemist'?

Probably not, it was a one off tv play that only crops on obscure tv channels at half past ridiculous on weekends.

Anyhow, wouldn't it be great if Roy Clarke wrote a half hour monologue for a modern-day Crusher following the death of his Auntie Ivy??

Jonathan, if you're reading this, I'll let you do the bizzo...........................................