Car Insurance


Staff member
I had a major shock recently to see my car insurance premium jump over 50% despite no changes or claims. I knew they'd gone up but didn't expect that much. Have any other members had this sort of increase?
I think sadly the amount of unwarranted prices increases has got out of hand, it seems to be on most things we all use and seems to be standard practice each year for expected price increases yet no change in any service, I spotted that if you use Amazon prime TV service it was advert free, now you have to pay even more to get the advert free stream, give it a year or two and they will find another reason the extract even more money from the paying public, oh and if you use Alexa some of the new features will have a annual fee
I drive an EV & SUV the repair costs of the former and the many thefts of the latter explain my 60% increase I think. But it’s still a crazy increase
Hey.. I learned to drive on a van like was a Commer though! :)

Insurance over here has gone up massively too, not just on cars, but on homes and property too!

Price gouging by almost every type of business is getting out of control.

Funny thing here is that everybody has been complaining about the prices in Supermarkets and of course the Supermarkets themselves have been trotting out the usual excuses..."our customers are our first priority but things like Covid and the weather and the position of the moon and Mars is in Virgo etc etc"). However the Government has just announced an official enquiry into Supermarket pricing and have warned of the dreaded "consequences" if anything untoward is found.

Do you know, by miraculous coincidence the Supermarkets have found that expenses are coming down and are announcing major price cuts in the near future! YEH RIGHT! :02:
You're right gouging is the exact word to use in many instances, basically many companies think they can raise prices by what they want and blame it on Covid & cost of living crisis. Understand underlying costs are going up for everyone but many of the price hikes I'm seeing are 4 or 5 times the rate of inflation.
Sorry to hear that Barry. I don't own an EV (Note to self....."Discipline 007, discipline!") or anything by Jaguar/Landrover but I have heard the horror stories about them particularly in the UK, and that includes the insurance.

Sadly over here some, even well known "luxury" brands, do not have a good reputation for after sales customer service. While they might be brilliant in Europe where there is a huge infrastructure to support them, here....not so much!

We don't have the AA here, but DO have the RAC!
Yes, my car insurance has gone up and even doing a comparison website search didn’t bring it down much. I did call them and haggled it down a touch. My campervan hasn’t really ever changed over the past 13 years. I might call into a well known brokers that has opened in the next village next time and see what they can do.
Yes, my car insurance has gone up and even doing a comparison website search didn’t bring it down much. I did call them and haggled it down a touch. My campervan hasn’t really ever changed over the past 13 years. I might call into a well known brokers that has opened in the next village next time and see what they can do.
No one would insure my VW camper unless I got a tracker fitted which added another £500 and £120 a year for the monitoring each year. I’m guessing these must be high up on thieves wanted list too