
Foggy.....with his newly bought Christmas prezzy[ from him to him]...HIS BLEEPER !!! [Barry's Christmas].....annoying the gentleman quietly reading his book in the seat in front of him on the top deck of the bus SO MUCH..." did you have a good Christmas....did you hear something ?,that will be my bleeper" that the man decides to get off a few stops early and walk...WRONG DECISION !!!...Foggy announces..."good idea...I will walk with you !"..AND an absolutely fantastic scene where Pearl is on the bus,minding her own business.... she looks out of the window to her left...only to see Howard...then Marina flying past on their bikes !!!...a very funny scene.
And how can we forget the first appearance of "the trained killer/jungle fighter/samarai/Corporal sign writer/egg painter" Foggy Dewhurst !!!...arriving at the bus station...only to be greeted by our intrepid duo......after jamming [according to the conductor] all his army bags..full of hand painted door signs into the back seat of the bus....he never did get that driver's number did he !!!!!