Best Performance #8

Give Us a Lift …………...Where Glenda and Barry are sat in the tent and she says to him "Have you brought the marshmallows then Barry ?" (The tone was all her mothers !:eyesroll:)
I was told to be careful and I was ! I still got it ! I might as well have jumped straight in with my two-pennorth ! I should have re-iterated my view on how fetching she looked in her leathers !:37::rolling:

Dick you should take heart from the Guy Mitchell penned song , adapted for the purpose of this post

She wears red leathers and gave Billy her hooly-hooly skirt
She wears red leathers and gave Billy her hooly-hooly skirt
She lives with young Barry who's stupid and thick
With a Rose in her Hair, a gleam in her eye
and love in her heart for you , Dick ! :)
Glenda and Barry sliding down a hillside on trays. Her happy, gleeful expression. Same as when she is ripping about driving a car like Nigel Mansell.
Reminds me of when I was in college. If the staff in the Dining Hall wondered where their trays had gone on a snowy day, they only had to look out the window at the fun everyone was having sliding down the hill -- on their trays!

I vote for Glenda sporting her motorcycle leathers.