Best episode ending


Staff member
I have decided! After years of consideration my favourite 2 endings are 1: Happy Birthday Robin Hood, where they shoot an arrow through the Police hat and 2: Short Blast of Fred Astaire at the bus stop with Lionel Blair watching.
I still luagh out loud when I see them.
I am a bit rusty with specific endings, but wasn't it Return of the Warrior where the ladies are talking about Foggy returning? Glenda mentions how he might be a good stabilizing influence on the others and then Foggy comes flying down the hill and into the moving truck.
Also, I always get a kick out of Barry flying by his boss in a scooter at the end of Optimism in the Housing Market. Flying downhill on the scooter Barry nervously yells "There's optimism in the Housing Market" to keep his boss happy.
Has to be Whoops when Foggy, Clegg and Compo jump off the bus . Cleggy complains about Compo always shouting Geronimo when they jump and suggests why not "Whoops!!!!" and the trio duly oblige in harmony as the episode closes.
See, for me the lyrics to the theme song are just too much
I can’t watch the end of that episode
The words make me very depressed
So many great ones but I'll tell you what's made me chuckle a couple times recently when it randomly popped into my mind is when they come back for a moment after the credits in Goodnight Sweet Ferret and the bride coldcocks Barry:p
Mine has to be the obvious, See Ya Compo done on the hillside very very moving
I can't imagine watching it again, at least anytime foreseeable. Of the years of catching episodes mostly 2fers on Gold I had seen episodes from every era of the show and was familiar with all the characters but when I did my straight through series run earlier this year that was the first time I saw the episodes dealing with Compo's death. They hit me harder than I expected and though I made it through rest of the series it took the wind out of watching for a while.
So many great ones but I'll tell you what's made me chuckle a couple times recently when it randomly popped into my mind is when they come back for a moment after the credits in Goodnight Sweet Ferret and the bride coldcocks Barry:p
It's one of those scenes that many people miss as they tend to switch off when the credits roll but is well worth waiting for. It's a good hard punch and then seeing Barry staggering around and Glenda trying to protect him. Very funny.
It's one of those scenes that many people miss as they tend to switch off when the credits roll but is well worth waiting for. It's a good hard punch and then seeing Barry staggering around and Glenda trying to protect him. Very funny.
Alan Bell told me he deliberately added a little nod at the end, this stopped the BBC talking all over the credits