Flu jab's

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Sorry for this I have my nursing head on , but I hope everyone who should have the flu jab has one
I have, but not until November 25th. That's about five weeks late compared to my usual timing. I had to wait until I was completely over a bout of bronchitis. The effect should be nearly up to full immunity by now, though.
Snap Marianna :) I was midway thro a course of anti biotics when I should have had mine. It was mid-November before I got my jab... :wink:
I have had one for the first time ever about 3 months ago. I was with my Dr. for something else and she suggested as I was there I should avail of it. It never entered my head before that I should have one.
Hi Dick. I hope you have had no side effect's take care X

I am not blaming the flu jab Gill. I am on a course of antibio's at the minute. I have emphysema and bronchiectasis so have to take them at a moments notice. :whisper:
I have had one for the first time ever about 3 months ago. I was with my Dr. for something else and she suggested as I was there I should avail of it. It never entered my head before that I should have one.

I've had one annually since the year I turned 18, except for the year when I was 29. I was in grad school, very busy, and forgot about it. There was a flu epidemic on campus and I caught it. I was flat in bed nearly all day for six days. People kept telling me I should go to the infirmary, which was already full to capacity so I wasn't going to be admitted. My answer was to the effect of why should I get out of bed and go out in the cold only to be told to stay in and rest. No one else on my floor came down with it, so apparently they either had strong natural immunity, or they'd all had their shots.

Before I was 18, I'd come down with flu at the start of the season every year and never completely recover until spring. I missed a lot of school, but fortunately the school was happy to have my mother bring my textbooks and assignments home so I could teach myself and keep up with the work.
I do hope that anyone who has had the flu jab stay's well and healthy through the winter month's
Yes had my Flu jab beginning on November, looks like I have my first cold of the year just when the various dinners are about to start, just what I need
Me too, all done and had a pneumonia jab about 3 years ago but that doesn't mean I want to put it too the test!
Had my first flu jab last year. Never again. Knocked me off my feet for 10 days. Even my doctor said not to have it again, he doesn`t have one. I very rarely have a cold and if I do for only a couple of days. I have been taking cod liver oil for many years and swear by it.
I'm with you HJ I have taken Cod Liver Oil since I was a nipper and I never seem to get cold or flu . I don't quite qualify for the jab yet may not take them up on the offer when it comes.
Hi HJ. If you are allergic to egg's for example that might have made you feel bad.there should be an egg friendly vaccine this year. Take care X
Hi HJ. If you are allergic to egg's for example that might have made you feel bad.there should be an egg friendly vaccine this year. Take care X

Thanks for that Gill but I am not allergic to eggs, and I had not eaten anything out of the ordinary at the time, the Doc asked me that.
I've been having one for so time because of the immunosuppressants and the first it made me ill but the second time I was fine then a couple of years later I was ill again but have been ok since. Its strange how it affects some people and not others.
Yes, I've had a flu shot and also a shingles shot.

Shingles is a terrible condition and Brian Wilde (Foggy) suffered from it. In fact he initially left LOTSW due to shingles. If you've had chicken pox then you MUST get a shingles shot. The reason why it is a terrible condition is that you can get it and initially recover; but then there are the complications which are very painful. It sometimes takes a year or more to get over a bout with shingles.
Well I had my flue jab a while back and for the last week had flu symptoms, seems I have Bronchitis and now on antibiotics, at least it should be cleared up before Christmas