Latest BBC Comedy offering


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If you would like to have your brain numbed without medication then watch the BBC's comedy The Kennedy's. They portray couples in the 70's as being unable to cook, it is vulgar and drags children into the seedy plots in the name of comedy
Have you tried "Marley's Ghosts " at all ??? Cant make my mind up !! It may grow but they seem to be flogging a one joke comedy.:35:
I agree The Kennedy's complete tripe . I thought it was supposed to be a comedy.
You Me and the Apocalypse is supposed to be a comedy.
Did you watch it? I wasn't impressed at all.
The BEEB have a comedy show called Cradle to the Grave starring Peter Kay has anyone seen it just wondered if it was worth a look? Thank you in advance for any advice.
Saw it - too tired to switch off, but if it is based on real life I can only say glad I lived in the new town furthest from Stevenage!

The props and everything look decidedly early 70s but tey mention Star Wars and I am sure that came out in 1977 - I was living in a Nurses Home at the time and we had an outing to Leeds to see it together.
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