Positive thoughts from Summerwine Country.


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Especially for one of our own,who is going through a really tough time.
Hope you're ok. Stay positive.
Been for a walk today and found that beautiful location with the tree and the dry stone wall,
Sat there a while and sent you some positive thoughts and good wishes direct from Summerwine Country,there wasn't a sound except for the singing of the birds.

(You Will) Get well soon.
That was a wonderful post 28 steps.
hi Amos!:wink:
Thankyou Brenda,
I go to these places to find my own inner peace and relaxation,and to step back from what is sometimes a mad world,
This is a beautiful location,can you imagine how it was that day,it was a lovely warm day,there wasn't the slightest breeze,it was perfectly still,and the only sounds you heard were the singing of the birds and every now and again,the sheep in the next field,add to that the history that Howard and "The team" once sat there,and it makes it a lovely,peaceful place,theres a quiet footpath right alongside the wall and tree,behind me as I took the photo,and they've placed a bench there,exactly facing the tree and wall,as if they know :)
Positive thoughts from Summerwine County

Wonderful photographs and nice sentiments get well and be lucky Amos . In this sceptred isle it is refreshing that you can still find places like this to try and avoid the rat race we all have to tolerate[barely] but do not enjoy . Peace and quiet is at a premium in modern life . North of Newcastle there are some of the nicest retreats but I find if you go Summer season they are overrun with people so I tend to visit November/December when they have all gone home . There is nothing a bracing and refreshing than standing on the beach at Bamburgh on a cold December day gathering your thoughts with the wind coming off the sea and often without another person in sight.
These pictures really cheer me up. I am still in hospital and will be for a while.
These pictures really cheer me up. I am still in hospital and will be for a while.
Sorry to hear you're back in hospital Jay,
Sometimes we have to take what appears to be a step back,in order to move forward,
Be patient,the road to recovery can be long and difficult,but you will get there,every step,however small,every day,however hard,gets you nearer.Stay positive for your family and loved ones.
Do you have a favourite location,or type of location,or a favourite character ?
Take care,take one day at a time xxx
my favourite is clegg. My favourite location is Holmfirth. Love the place been several times. When I get better I will return. I like marsden too.
Its a gorgeous location,the place I go to to get away from it all,so peaceful,they've put a bench on the track that runs next to it,right facing it,its only two miles by road from the centre of Holmfirth,and although its secluded and quiet,you can park two minutes walk away,close by,just a short walk away,is Trulys stile and the tree that Cleggy got stuck up in Watching the Clock,and lots of other locations you would know,I have a photo of Tom and Smiler on the track that runs beside where the photo was taken,I'll post it some time
Hope you're feeling a bit better Amos,I was throwing out a box just before I set off for a walk and decided to personalise the photo for you and remind you that you are still in our thoughts.
Thanks Brenda xxx
Just along from where this photo was taken,where they put the bench on the quiet path facing the tree,the path becomes a walled track that leads to a choice of paths,and it was here,only 100 yards from the bench and tree,that they filmed a scene with Tom and Smiler.
You are all so very kind.
We all care about you Amos,don't lose touch with us,
Look forward to that Clegg day,a day strolling the hills of Summerwine country,followed by a pint in a pub frequented by him.
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