

Staff member
Does anyone know if you can send a download in a PM?
If so how?
Please use words of two syllables or less :D :D
Thank you.
I just went thru and tried to do myself , and cannot figure it out. I even had a picture cut, and thought I would be able to paste it. No luck. Terry and Tony any suggestions?:15:
I just went thru and tried to do myself , and cannot figure it out. I even had a picture cut, and thought I would be able to paste it. No luck. Terry and Tony any suggestions?:15:

I'll PM you my email address and I'll email you the picture I wanted to send :)
Ok, Brenda I may have PMed you about 4 times!! I think I'm losing the plot, which will come as no surprise to anyone. I hope you get the right one at some point :D
Just 2 times Pearl, It never does tell you that the message has been sent. Check email. Hey Beth!:41:

Hey I have to laugh because on Facebook I thought I hadn't shared something and ended up sharing it 6 times. I never heard from anyone. I was so embarrassed. I also have trou me posting pictures here. I love to laugh. Thank you both! ;D
Hey I have to laugh because on Facebook I thought I hadn't shared something and ended up sharing it 6 times. I never heard from anyone. I was so embarrassed. I also have trou me posting pictures here. I love to laugh. Thank you both! ;D

You've seen the c**p I post on Facebook your postings are fine :D
I'm trying to work out how you tag people @maltab

Well thats not it....... [MENTION=181]dick[/MENTION]

How come I can Tag [MENTION=181]dick[/MENTION] but not @Maltab ?

Sorry i'm just faffing about. :D [MENTION=312]brendalovescompo[/MENTION]

OK OK I guess it helps if you can spell :D [MENTION=2]maltrab[/MENTION]

Thank you [MENTION=342]index4u[/MENTION] :D
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I'm trying to work out how you tag people @maltab

Perhaps if you tagged him [MENTION=2]maltrab[/MENTION] ?????

Still, I have no idea what " @ " means nor the term "tagged."

Even tho I worked with computers for 40 years, I still don't know!!
#Pearl maybe? LOL I don't know how to tag on here, I only know how to do it on twitter and facebook. LOL As for sending things in PM's, I can't help you there either. I'm useless on here! LOL
#Pearl maybe? LOL I don't know how to tag on here, I only know how to do it on twitter and facebook. LOL As for sending things in PM's, I can't help you there either. I'm useless on here! LOL

Its [MENTION=374]Marina'sTwin[/MENTION].

Just like Facebook. :)
Does anyone know if you can send a download in a PM?
If so how?
Please use words of two syllables or less :D :D
Thank you.

Saw this thread yesterday but lacked time to participate. But getting right back to basics (don't I always?) I am puzzled at what you mean by 'download' in this context. For example, were you to have downloaded a Word document you could surely copy and paste it into a PM. Or if you were referring to something downloaded from a website you could surely put a link to the website into the PM.

And I must confess that, as all are totally aware, I am incapable of using words of two syllables or less when four or five are available.

:coffee: :pc: :coffee: :pc:
Saw this thread yesterday but lacked time to participate. But getting right back to basics (don't I always?) I am puzzled at what you mean by 'download' in this context. For example, were you to have downloaded a Word document you could surely copy and paste it into a PM. Or if you were referring to something downloaded from a website you could surely put a link to the website into the PM.

And I must confess that, as all are totally aware, I am incapable of using words of two syllables or less when four or five are available.

:coffee: :pc: :coffee: :pc:

We very aware of that Big Unc thats why I have dictionary at hand when you're about :D

In this instance I mean a picture from my download file. :)