Radio prank.


Staff member
I was just wondering how people on the forum felt in the aftermath of the recent tragedy involving a radio prank.To be honest I have in the past been amused by similar calls but when something like this happens it makes you stop and think. These pranks are always at someone else`s expense and takes no account of the effect on the victim .I suspect that in this case there may have been other factors but providing the straw that might break the camel`s back is not without blame or consequence.
yes I agree with you there, it probably was the last straw but having said that those DJs went way over the line they must have known that someone could get in trouble for taking that phone call and possably loss their job and all for a cheap laugh I hope that now spend time reflecting on what they have done to that poor woman.
Yes Susan they are going to have to live with that for the rest of their lives. A very sad state of affairs.
Over here, I have not seen an actual, real, verifiable statement
as to how she died and who killed her. I'm kinda assuming
a suicide, but not sure why she would.
You'd think after the whole Andrew Sachs mess caused by Ross and Brand dj's would have a bit more sense.
ive only just rejoined this site so not gonna ruin it already with my strong views on this behaviour, all i will say though it i find its terrible the whole thing, like many people i can take a joke but this was going to far, as happyjack says them djs will have to live with this the rest of there lives, chuck as far as im aware it was a suicide, the worse thing is she leaves behind kids as well, but thats all im saying before i go over the top, if anyone has been offended by my mild comments im sorry i didnt mean to
Yes, but ... suicide BUT WHY?? What about the phone
call caused a reasonable person to off herself??

Did she feel that she had endangered a royal person??

What am I missing here???
Yes, but ... suicide BUT WHY?? What about the phone
call caused a reasonable person to off herself??

Did she feel that she had endangered a royal person??

What am I missing here???

i suppose unless the family do a tell all story in a british tabloid we might never know them answers to them questions
The DJs phoned the hospital pratending to be the Queen and Prince Charles and asked to be put though to Kate, the person that answed the phone was the nurse that died, she put the DJs though to Kate's nurse who gave then Private information on her condition.
They then played the "Prank" on air causing both nurses to be humiliated in public all over the world now I'll not sure if either nurse were disciplined over it or weather it was the humiliated of it but one went on to kill herself, as already said we don't know if this was just the straw that broke the camels back that made her do it, who knows what was going on in her life but for 2 idiots to put peoples jobs at risk for a cheap laugh is outrageous.
Heard this on the news, and it is horrifying. Those nurses could have lost their jobs, and these australians have no idea what trouble they have caused.

For the DJs, I say sack them both and boot them into the Atlantic Ocean to fend for themselves, them put a barrier around Europe so they cannot come back... That should teach them.

Imagine what Kate is going through now, knowing two complete strangers now know what condition she was in.
I think we should steer clear of going into if we're for or against the Royals, that conversation could lead to problems :)

The fact of the matter is that no matter the reason why she killed herself, she did. No one should feel so humiliated or have the worry of maybe losing there jobs because some one else wanted to have a laugh that they take the decision to end their life. Those DJ's never met that woman, they didn't know her or have any idea what mental state she was in they didn't make enquiries has to how she would take a "Joke" they just did it.

There are people in my life that I know would laugh if a joke was played on them and have people that wouldn't so I don't do that to them but I can make that decision based on the fact that I know them, I would never play a prank on someone I don't know because I don't know what mental state their in, to me that's just common sense and the fact this "Joke" was run past management before it was aired just makes it worse!

Sorry those are my opinion's and not meant to offend anyone.
Susan. I think that people who do these things don't even consider the consequences that might occur from their actions. That poor girl must have been very insecure to have taken her life over it. It is very sad.
Susan. I think that people who do these things don't even consider the consequences that might occur from their actions. That poor girl must have been very insecure to have taken her life over it. It is very sad.

I agree with you, there must have been something else going on with her, that's why it makes me mad, the DJs didn't know this that's why you shouldn't do something like this to someone you don't know you don't know whats going on in there lives I find it very selfish to humiliate someone you don't know.
