Key chains and fridge magnets



As I am a keen collector of both an but them whenever on holiday I thought of LOTSW. I googled it and came across a site called Sid Cafe that sells them. But the last time something happened on this site was 2009. Wondering if it is still active.

If not is there anywhere else I could get them on line???
Sid's cafe is the actual cafe from LOTSW.I bought quite a few things from there and they are good quality.As I type this I'm actually wearing a Sid's Cafe T-shirt I bought in 2008 and it is still in good nick (unlike me)
Thanks George. I will then try the Cafe. I know it is the original cafe but wasn't sure if they still sell the stuff. You people are always very helpfull...
Sid's cafe is the actual cafe from LOTSW.I bought quite a few things from there and they are good quality.As I type this I'm actually wearing a Sid's Cafe T-shirt I bought in 2008 and it is still in good nick (unlike me)

I see your t-shirt and raise you a pinny :). I too have bought many things from Sids Cafe and have been very happy with all of it.
What a lot of help you all are. Thanks. I am interested in the key chains and magnets but now that I have seen the shop I might even go for a mouse mat or even a mug... As long as you say the Sid's cafe and the other site are safe I don't mind buying. I am not one to like giving my email out to places I don't know...
What a lot of help you all are. Thanks. I am interested in the key chains and magnets but now that I have seen the shop I might even go for a mouse mat or even a mug... As long as you say the Sid's cafe and the other site are safe I don't mind buying. I am not one to like giving my email out to places I don't know...

The shop itself is very good,Went there two years ago and of course when you finish in the shop it leads you into the summerwine exhibition which is in the house used for compos and before you go you can have a nice cup of tea and a scone in the wrinkled stocking cafe.I bought a couple of fridge magnets with a picture of Blamire,Compo and Clegg on it and one with Howard and Marina and also a coaster to put my cup of tea on and that has a picture of Foggy Compo and Clegg on it'Foggy is looking though binoculars at somthing. :)
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