First of the Summer Wine


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I've just been watching (again) what in my opinion was a very underrated show.
I couldn't help notice when the Cleggs sit down for a meal how much the set looks like Compo's house.I wonder if they used the same studio set (cleaned up of course).
Yes this was also a very good show and it is about time it was available on DVD, it did cause a problem though in so much that in FOSW they all new each other, yet in "Uncle of the Bride" when they go to Seymour's house Compo asks who's Seymour
I agree, FOSW was great. To bad they didn't make more episodes. I would love to have it on DVD..
First of the Summer Wine is available, both series at I have it but they have only been recorded off uk gold, but at least it is worth having and as you watch it all through you can see how Roy Clarke was developing it. Shame it did not carry on
I enjoyed First of ... and eventually manged to record the pilot episode when shown on UK Gold. I have similar DVDs as Happyjack but also have it all on VHS mainly recorded from BBC when first aired but a few recorded for me in New Zealand. That is in the days before the internet we would contact people around the globe to get recordings that we had missed.

There are discrepancies, particularly Seymour although it was instructive to see the youthful characters. In one sense though the programme came to an end as the second world war intervened which meant that they had to grow up - and quickly - and then get their jobs, lino selling, being aheadmaster, regular soldier, running a cafe and so on.

There has been much speculation about Sherbert who seemingly disappears - I personally think he became the casualty (forgotten name - scene with bird in an early episode - ? Don Taylor) and also some other men such as Sid, Cyril, Howard and Herbert are all missing.

Also Dilys who became pregnant and disppeared but Norah and Ivy are there.

However Norman clegg, writing things down and selling - lino. Still his story in Last of ....

By the way when did we stop buying lino?
Do you know how many series there were ? I think it was only 2 plus the pilot. I only have the 2 series. We used to have lino in the kitchen back in the 50s and 60s and I think we bought some for our bathroom when we got married in 1967.
Found this on:

Continuity: "In this series Seymour is presented for the first time in the episode "Uncle of the Bride".
We are told he is meeting Compo and Clegg for the first time, yet in the prequel "First of the Summer Wine", Seymour is supposed to be a school and work colleague of theirs".

The broadcast date for "Uncle of.." was 1st January 1986.
The broadcast date for "First of...." was 3rd January 1988.

So, it's possible that Roy Clarke hadn't envisaged writing "First of", when he was writing "Uncle of".
In that case, it's just one of those things that we have to live with.
I agree that it's a bit of a bummer, mainly because it breaks up what could have been a smooth transition into "First of".
Shame but there ya go.

G ; )
Do you know how many series there were ? I think it was only 2 plus the pilot. I only have the 2 series. We used to have lino in the kitchen back in the 50s and 60s and I think we bought some for our bathroom when we got married in 1967.

Only two series of six each plusa longer pilot.

Yes, i can recall lino up to about 1970 - I remember somebody puttign down roofing felt around the edge of their floor instead of lino in 1971 as it was a lot cheaper (it was a black mastic surface on top of best local auhtority concrete that had fibres from previous underlay stuck to it so had to be covered) but by the mid 70s it was vinyl.
I'm sure we also called it oilcloth back in the 50's.
I also wondered what happened to Sherbert. Maggie Ollerenshaw plays a superb Mum to Norman Clegg, doesn't she.
Geoff :)
....Maggie Ollerenshaw plays a superb Mum to Norman Clegg, doesn't she.
Geoff :)

I think Maggie is an excellent actress, her part in "The Love Mobile" had me in stiches with the brilliant Kenneth Cope, glad Roy Clarke teamed them up again in a more recent episode, where she wants a fridge-freezer and he wants a stereo, class act.
She also had small appearance in "The flag..," two-parter episode.

G ; )
She is also wavy Mavis in Open All Hours - even more dithery than Mrs Clegg
first of the summer wine in my opinion was brilliant,i loved the episode when young clegs dad (peter sallis)normally very quiet.. burst in to song whilst listening to the radio with his wife looking on in absolute disbelief.. :eek:
Wakey, waaaakeey!...somebody stole my gaal.

I agree Pud, totaly unexpected outburst, i like the way he has a final giggle before getting back to his paper.

On the subject of DVD's of "first of"
I also recorded the original series and pilot on VHS, back in the 80's.
They aren't perfect but they are deffinately watchable, so seeing as i've just treated myself to an early christmas pressy of an Apple Mac Pro, complete with Final cut video editing software, i'll be recording all the episodes to the Mac and burning them to DVD, mainly as archives you understand?

G ; )
Watching 'Not thee Missus' I was reminded of a friend on another forum bringing to my attention Foggy's mum calling him Graham.Very odd that.
Watching 'Not thee Missus' I was reminded of a friend on another forum bringing to my attention Foggy's mum calling him Graham.Very odd that.

Yes - one of the continuity errors although I have a sneaky feeling that Foggy's first names had not been finalised by then.
Yes - one of the continuity errors although I have a sneaky feeling that Foggy's first names had not been finalised by then.

Hmm, not sure about that guys.

In "The odd dog men", Foggy states his name as Walter Dewhurst, this is long before "first of" was possibly conceived by Roy Clarke?

G ; )
That's my continuity error! Absolutely right - i suspect it was because i only first saw Odd Dog Men (and the rest fo that series) after I had seen First of .....
There was a long period when I did not have access to a TV in the late 1970s and early 1980s - thus kissed soem of the original transmissions.
Oh, this is an old topic to dig up, but I have just been watching a few bits of it again on Youtube. Does anyone remember which episode it was with all that soap water steam and Clegg´s father saying something about Koala bears? I just can´t remember which one that was.
And by the way, I have been reading the old posts in here, which one was it you were talking about with the bursting out into song with the radio?
I have lots of scenes in my head, but can´t put the titles to them. There was also one with Hitler´s voice coming out of the radio which I found particularly shocking, I think I even replied something about it somewhere on the forum, but I can´t find that either anymore.
Just watched ODD DOG MEN. When Foggy is dreaming of the"BY APPOINTMENT" He comes out with W.C. Dewhurst / Walter C Dewhurst . Wonder what the C stands for, ? or was it just a pun by Roy Clarke? ???
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