Update on job situation

I agree that it may be wise to use this time to decompress. But maybe later on, start some sort of activity to keep the old grey cells active. Could you do some writing? Keep a journal? Sign up for one online college class?
Enjoy your time while you can. :41:

LOL I will! I'm about to get hopped up on caffeine and go ghost riding with Joey right now! LOL For those who don't know, ghost riding is when you drive your car to a parking lot, crank up the music really loud, and get out and dance while the car is still moving! Dangerous and illegal, but fun! LOL And it sounds like something our the trio might do, but I don't think they'd be listening to the same kind of music Joey and I listen to. Can you imagine Norman Clegg listening to Slipknot?!? :39::respect::eek::30:
I agree that it may be wise to use this time to decompress. But maybe later on, start some sort of activity to keep the old grey cells active. Could you do some writing? Keep a journal? Sign up for one online college class?

Sorry for the double post! LOL But yes, I LOVE to write! I have a journal my best friend gave me and I write as often as I can. I also sometimes write Summer Wine fanfiction. I could post some of it if ya'll would be ok with that? I haven't seen any on here, so I didn't know ya'll's opinion on fanfiction. LOL I'm also planning to volunteer at my local library because who knows? Maybe they'll hire me if a position opens up. :)
. LOL I'm also planning to volunteer at my local library because who knows? Maybe they'll hire me if a position opens up. :)

Then you will be more like Ms. Davenport than Marina.

I had this friend who was in trouble with debtors and collection agencies would call him. He made a joke about it by putting the phone receiver to the radio or answered the call and then pushed a lot of buttons on the phone. (There is a set up with the phone calls, that a machine actually makes the call and when someone on the other line answers, then the debt collector gets connected.

However, he never got nasty with anyone. Have you ever had any silly calls?
Then you will be more like Ms. Davenport than Marina.

I had this friend who was in trouble with debtors and collection agencies would call him. He made a joke about it by putting the phone receiver to the radio or answered the call and then pushed a lot of buttons on the phone. (There is a set up with the phone calls, that a machine actually makes the call and when someone on the other line answers, then the debt collector gets connected.

However, he never got nasty with anyone. Have you ever had any silly calls?

I did get one guy who I swear was stoned or something! Lol He said "I'm not gonna pay my bill, you are. You're gonna pay everyone's bills and you will bow down to me." Lol I wanted to tell him to stick that comment where the sun don't shine but we weren't allowed to say that! Lol I really hope he was on drugs because if he was sober then he's one messed up dude. Lol I still laugh when I think of it! Lol
I did get one guy who I swear was stoned or something! Lol He said "I'm not gonna pay my bill, you are. You're gonna pay everyone's bills and you will bow down to me." Lol I wanted to tell him to stick that comment where the sun don't shine but we weren't allowed to say that! Lol I really hope he was on drugs because if he was sober then he's one messed up dude. Lol I still laugh when I think of it! Lol

Did you work for a collection agency, or a company and you were calling just for their customers? My sister had debt 22 years ago(I was pregnant with my daughter , I remember so well). Anyway, she lived with us while she was getting her life and her finances in order. She had one bill to pay, and had called that credit card to find out what the balance was. They gave her the amt, and told them she got paid in 2 weeks and she would pay it in full. After that we started getting phone calls from them wanting their money. I answered and told them, hey you haven't been able to find her for 2 years to pay, so you can wait 2 weeks. Then they started calling me wanting me to pay the bill. I have never been in that position so I was taking this personally,plus I was prego, so emotions were running high. She called them up and chewed them a new one, telling them not to get me upset. I just couldn't handle the calls and them threatening her thru me. Of course now, I have grown thicker skin and would tell them off in a minute. I just irked me that they didn't get paid for 2 years, and they can't wait 2 weeks. She cleaned everything up, and doing fine now.