The changing face of.........SOCIETY.

Could of,Should of instead of Could have,Should have gets on my nerves,when they say or write could of do they really think that is the correct way of saying or writing it.
When I worked there were a lot of younger people around 20 years old,and you would get half a dozen of them in the room all heads down looking at their phones,and they would all laugh at the same time,they were having a conversation but in a group chat or Facebook or whatever,and then when it came to dealing with the public,apart from the script that they had learnt parrot fashion,they would sit in total silence because they didn’t know how to talk to someone.
I wonder what impact smartphones would have had on some of the Summer Wine storylines,I guess it would have helped Howard and Marina out a lot,the only time I can remember a mobile phone featured was in Follow that bottle,and Truly was hopeless with it,but that wasn’t a smartphone though.
There's a few full stops, and question marks, missing from your comment Douglas. :36::36::36:
I'm messing with you Douglas. Everything you said is 100% unfortunately true.
A women I worked with years ago had a daughter and her friend sitting at either end of a table texting each other instead of talking. Then her daughter complained that she had run out of money.
This is all very, very concerning. The Gen Z's are forgetting how to hold a conversation, forgetting how to write in complete sentences. and forgetting how to read a physical hold-it-in-your-hand book, and all of the things that are normal to us Boomers. When one relies on a smartphone or a tablet to carry on basic life functions, what happens if these items are suddenly taken away or disabled? And how much of the information, conversations, and other vital things are consigned to these items and who else is privy to this information? These are just thoughts to ponder.