Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

well on the british comedy guide website the two dvds have now been put back to 31st December 2014, another holding date, I said it was a holding date but no one seemed to listen and i've been proven right now, I think it's very unlikely we will see these releases anytime soon, which is a shame
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

I think it was something like 2002 the first DVDs from Universal Playback first emerged, so it's taking a hell of a time to get the complete series.

That said, I think the episodes not released yet were all made after 2002!

Universal Playback is a rubbish DVD company, and a bit careless in their presentation of the episodes.

I wonder if part of the problem is a possible low demand for the later episodes.

In the meantime, perhaps we can knock up our own DVD recordings.

If anyone has any recordings, perhaps on VHS, let me know, and perhaps we can arrange something.
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

I think it was something like 2002 the first DVDs from Universal Playback first emerged, so it's taking a hell of a time to get the complete series.

That said, I think the episodes not released yet were all made after 2002!

Universal Playback is a rubbish DVD company, and a bit careless in their presentation of the episodes.

I wonder if part of the problem is a possible low demand for the later episodes.

In the meantime, perhaps we can knock up our own DVD recordings.

If anyone has any recordings, perhaps on VHS, let me know, and perhaps we can arrange something.

I definitely think interest waned in the later years and Bill Owen's death definitely din't help but Universal should still put them out. I think every forum member here who has twitter should start tweeting that they want the remaining seasons. Its @universaluk.

Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

I think we might have to face it, aint gonna happen. its been too long now
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

I think we might have to face it, aint gonna happen. its been too long now

I think if enough people inquire about them they'll put them out. You have to let them know you want them.
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

Really is a great pity that Universal Playback seem to have grabbed the rights to the programme DVDs. I anticipate that company requiring a greater sales level for each DVD than is currently generated. I am convinced that if Acorn or Network DVD had the rights we would see a much quicker delivery of the later series.
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

I wondered that myself Big Unc.
Its getting beyond a joke now. >:(
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

maybe we could e-mail acorn or network about getting them to get the rights for all 31 series including the pilot and the xmas sketch from 1982 and the 25 and 30 year shows and anything else linked with Summer Wine, they have good records of getting all series of a show out on dvd, either that or we start a facebook or twitter campaign to get the remaining series out on dvd with playback
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

That would depend on if we could shout loud enough Darren.
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

That would depend on if we could shout loud enough Darren.

oh don't worry when it comes to Summer Wine I would shout so loud the whole world would wonder what the noise is :D
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

I still think positive sign that there was a 3-year gap between releases,2004-07,yet the dvd's continued to be released
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

Just venting, not expecting aid and/or comfort.

I'm still hoping to see the rest of the series, but wondering if it will ever be released. The most recent release for region 1 DVD players is "Vintage 2001", which includes all of the shows that were aired in 2001, including that year's Christmas special. The region 2 releases seem to run a year ahead of region 1; "Series 23-24", which seems to be the 22nd and 23rd seasons, includes all of the shows aired in 2001 and 2002. That means that Europe, the Middle East, Egypt, Japan, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Greenland and the French Overseas departments and territories (region 2) have a one-year lead on the United States, Canada, Bermuda, the Caribbean and the U.S. territories (region 1).

The region 1 sets are distributed in the US and Canada by Warner Home Video under license from BBC World Americas. The only web URL shown on the case is I contacted them via their web site on Sunday, February 23rd, asking, "When may we expect series 1-2 and 24-31 to be released on region 1 DVD?" I also strongly suggested that the pilot should be included in the series 1 release. No reply so far, but I'm not expecting one at all. Perhaps a deluge of messages from fans in region 1 might make a slight dent in their impassivity.

I particularly want region 1 discs, rather than region 2, because my code-free DVD player is on its last legs, and I don't want to replace it because I dislike needing an additional machine to play just one set of discs. I also dislike that the process of converting a standard player to code-free voids the warranty, even when the "surgery" is performed by the retailer.

Hanging in there!
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

I'm actually surprised in this new age of digital streaming that the series hasn't shown up on one of those services. Netflix has a few BBC classic series, like Blackadder and Red Dwarf now, so maybe at some point.

Really, I'm surprised the BBC doesn't have a streaming service with all their old stuff on it, including LOTSW.
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

I'm actually surprised in this new age of digital streaming that the series hasn't shown up on one of those services. Netflix has a few BBC classic series, like Blackadder and Red Dwarf now, so maybe at some point.

Really, I'm surprised the BBC doesn't have a streaming service with all their old stuff on it, including LOTSW.

BBC gave all the good old TV to the UK brand on Sky,so they have very little worth streaming
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

then again come tomorrow there might be some available to stream on amazon, although not 100% sure so its just a assumption on my part, not a guarantee
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

Amazingly, I just received a response from BBC America to the message I sent on February 23rd, as noted in the message I posted here yesterday morning. Not quite a generic response, either. It included a commitment to forward my message to the appropriate department. Perhaps enough consumer pressure would make a difference in when, or whether, the remainder of the series is issued on region 1 DVDs, as well as a reissue of the first and second seasons, including the pilot.

Is anyone familiar with the two sets of DVDs released by BFS Entertainment? Bright pink cases, one with a photo of Clegg, Compo and Blamire, the other with a photo of Clegg, Compo and Foggy? I haven't been able to find a definitive contents list for the second set. The contents of the first set, according to the BFS web site, as well as the product description on Barnes & Noble, consists of the first 12 episodes plus the special "Getting Sam Home". Barnes & Noble carries the first set and Amazon carries the second, but shows limited quantities.

BFS is a Canadian company. The most recent date on their web site is 2012 but they're still listed on the TSX Venture Exchange at $0.22 per share, so apparently they're still in business. The fact that the first 12 episodes haven't been reissued and all of the retailers I've seen so far are either out of stock or nearly so makes me think that perhaps BFS still holds the license but might not be planning to do anything with it. Perhaps enough of the right kind of pressure from fans would persuade Warner to approach BFS about purchasing the license, adding subtitles/closed captions and enhancing the audio/video quality. I'd be willing to pay a premium for an enhanced edition on DVDs.
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

Is anyone familiar with the two sets of DVDs released by BFS Entertainment? Bright pink cases, one with a photo of Clegg, Compo and Blamire, the other with a photo of Clegg, Compo and Foggy? I haven't been able to find a definitive contents list for the second set. The contents of the first set, according to the BFS web site, as well as the product description on Barnes & Noble, consists of the first 12 episodes plus the special "Getting Sam Home". Barnes & Noble carries the first set and Amazon carries the second, but shows limited quantities.

Both sets with the Foggy and Blamire trios on the covers are the same as far as the content. They are both 4 disc sets consisting of 9 episodes from Series 1 and 2 and Getting Same Home. The first three episodes of Series 1 are on the first disc and have been edited into one movie-length show with no theme tune or credits between them, although you can select chapters to help you navigate between episodes.

All of Series 1 is included, minus the original pilot. The set is missing four episodes from series 2: Some Enchanted Evening, A Quiet Drink, Ballad for Wind Instruments and Canoe, and Northern Flying Circus

I have the one with the Foggy cover. FYI, The Getting Sam Home that is included on the LOTSW Vintage 1983 set has better video quality than the one on the BFS set.
*edit - I should say that I think the Vintage 1983 GSH has better quality. I actually watched them on different tvs with different dvd players, and that can make a difference. Since getting the 1983 set I have tended to watch that one. Now I'm curious; I'll have to play some of both on the same setup to see for sure now.
Re: Series 25 & 26 DVD on the Way?

Thanks, FatherJack. Disappointing that four of the episodes were omitted. That makes it even more necessary for Warner Home Video to acquire the license for the first two seasons in full and release them on region 1 DVDs.
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