In shock

George is moving from intensive care to high dependency today, he has been more active as he is being brought out of his coma. He had 10ml of milk today his first feed by tube. It will still be a while before he is out of it completely.

In the next three days he will have a brain scan, to reveal what damage has been done. He may well be moved then to Gloucester, nearer home.

I am amazed ,but we have to wait four agonizing days for the results. So we may know the results by next weekend, depending on when the scan happens.

It's going to he hell waiting, but little big George fights on.
Little big George has now gone into High Dependency and has had his breathing tube taken, out, all he has left now are two tubes into his navel.

He had a full body scan to check his internal organs for damage and all was perfect ;D

We are still waiting for the brain scan which is the most important one, should be today or tomorrow hopefully.
I wish they would just get on with it.

Jade has had more cuddles and she stole a kiss from his hand, as she isn't allowed to kiss his little face.

Onward and upwards little big George.
You can see 'cots for tots' where Little Big George is, and the wonderful work they do, in allowing Jade to live close to George without worrying about expense etc

I am not asking you to donate, I just wanted you to see the fab work they are doing, when George is better, we as a family will be fund raising, I think I might ask him indoors to do a parachute jump with a parachute hehe

The incubator George is in cost £90,000, and the house that Jade is in, with other families cost £300 per day to run, all charity funded
Little big George has his brain scan tomorrow at 9.30am, it was cancelled last minute yesterday, due to an emergency.

We won't know the results until next weds,so a long wait.

He is still doing well is now 90% awake and is responding well to his surroundings and stimulus so at the moment we are still happy.
Little big George has his brain scan tomorrow at 9.30am, it was cancelled last minute yesterday, due to an emergency.

We won't know the results until next weds,so a long wait.

He is still doing well is now 90% awake and is responding well to his surroundings and stimulus so at the moment we are still happy.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D again