YOUR perfect ending......


Dedicated Member
"Did I lock the door ????" Cleggy the coach travels along the road..January 1973 to August 2010......all those years....and OUR show ended like that.....
In your perfect "Summerwine World" [we all have a unique personal one don't we !!!] how would you have liked the final show to end.....AS A BONUS FOR EVERYONE you can include past characters.......NOW GET THINKIN' !!!!!.
Seymour (unseen) gets invited as guest speaker to a school in Oswestry, where Blamire (unseen) and Foggy (unseen) are also living (because of army connections).

Clegg and Truly plan a visit to Oswestry, but everyone decides to tag on - Hobbo, Alvin, Entwistle, a returning Billy Hardcastle, Ivy, Howard, Pearl, Marina, Barry, Glenda etc etc.

But the trip gets postponed after Entwistle blows up the bus, then it is revealed that Nora (unseen) is returning from Australia that day, so the cast then set about organising a party at the cafe.

Clegg takes a moment to write a few lines in his diary, and raises a glass (of wine) to Compo.
Seymour (unseen) gets invited as guest speaker to a school in Oswestry, where Blamire (unseen) and Foggy (unseen) are also living (because of army connections).

Clegg and Truly plan a visit to Oswestry, but everyone decides to tag on - Hobbo, Alvin, Entwistle, a returning Billy Hardcastle, Ivy, Howard, Pearl, Marina, Barry, Glenda etc etc.

But the trip gets postponed after Entwistle blows up the bus, then it is revealed that Nora (unseen) is returning from Australia that day, so the cast then set about organising a party at the cafe.

Clegg takes a moment to write a few lines in his diary, and raises a glass (of wine) to Compo.

They could use doubles like they did during the shows riskier moments and all characters could make a real appearance and not remain unseen .
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Perhaps, but I think I would go for Clegg reading out letters (like in The Man from Oswestry and Uncle of the Bride) or receiving a phone call.

I think Clegg reading out letters is a great piece of narration to fill in the gaps in the story.
Nora & Compo finally getting it together.
Foggy getting a belated military recognition for bravery on a mission in his past army career.
Wesley getting one of his motorised contraptions into mass production
Clegg getting appointed as a lighthouse keeper where he can finally live the quiet life.
Marina & Miss Davenport both finding 'Mr Right'
Now Marina has moved on from Howard, him and Pearl reconcile their differences and live harmoniously
Auntie Wainwrights store going online making her a multi millionaire
Eli getting laser surgery so he gets 20/20 vision

....perhaps on reflection it was better that none of these loose ends were ever tidied up :):):)
My fellow "Summerwine Family Members" never fail to amaze me !!!!....
Roy Clarke would be proud of you all !!!.
I really appreciate the amazing efforts everyone has made.
I had the idea....but had no idea how my perfect ending would pan out.
You all inspire me.
Thank you all.
him and Pearl reconcile their differences and live harmoniously

To quote one of the famous lines from Dads Army "Oh I think you're entering the realms of fantasy there Jones Barry" I would like to suggest an alternative, Eva decides she wants to be back in town , Alvin has literally flown the coup taking to his hanglider and sailing off into the sunset and so Eva makes a play for Howard again but this time for real.
I reckon Stephen is onto something there... :18: :40: :18:

For me being the old softy
Compos Funeral...
We thought you'd like another wander through the hills, old son.

Still brings a tear to the eye
Maybe a New Year Special with them all gathered at The White Horse seeing in the new year with everyone happily holding hands especially the likes of Pearl and Marina actually singing Auld Lange Syne. With pictures of the past cast members that have passed on being spotted throughout the episode.
Perhaps an episode where Clegg has joined the local history club and is giving a talk to everyone and reminising about the olden days of Holmfirth, possibly with photographs or archive clips of the series. I can imagine Clegg fondly remembering himself, Compo and Blamire camping out to photograph the sunrise in Hail Smiling Morn, Seymour's car ejector seat, or the time Foggy invented bicycle polo. Perhaps the episode could act as a history of LOTSW too.
Alot of these points have probaly been mentioned but others not
1 Anty Waneright makes a website and becomes a millionaire.
2 Nora and compo get together.
3 compo meets his son .
4 Foggy gets multiple awards for his bravery over the war
5 weslly gets a invention of his in production over the word.
6 electrical edwisile becomes a major washing machine seller also becoming millionaire.
7 Barry gets a promotion and the golf club caption stops hateing him
8 truly gets a award for the undercover police work he does
9 clegg gets to speak all over the world about his time as a lino salesman
10 everyone else comes back to life and lives a happy time after there friend's success
This would be one way...

Before Alvin moved in what was previously the Simmonite, and fleetingly Avery solo, domain he had won 10 years of free
storage. When Mrs Avery left in order to give Babs more dedication to her showbiz career [Whilst she carried a bucket for her
performances for her neither of them could carry a tune at them still alas. They had tried to get back to Holmfirth but the
last attempt ended with an inopportune left/right incident and they were last seen in Bridlington.] she left behind a lot of
her's, Toms and of course Compo's effects. He enlists Clegg, Truly and Hobbo to help get them to Aunties to try and and get
some cash. Most of it would struggle to buy a pint never mind the dreamed of pub he hopes to woo Stella with.

Among these was a home movie projector and a large number of film reels. Naturally it's broken so Electrical Entwhistle is
brought in to help and Barry obliges by bringing in a number of technical manuals that Wesley left to him with accompanying
Edie notes that will be read out by Glenda who sheds a quiet tear in memory of her, Roz and Seymour whose names feature in
them as well. Eventually after this emotional scene to Utterthwaites past there is a large bang which inexplicably brings the
projector back to life.

Alvin is delighted and after having consulted (i.e. told by) the ladies' circle whose opinion he knows he has to obey, books the
village hall to display them for all to enjoy in the community and raising some money for charity in the process. Although they have moved away Smiler, Billy and even Crusher come back to the area to see them.

It turns out these were all video diaries of Compo which show many a face from the past along
with a Compo-esque commentary. We share his extraordinary insights into many such as the following:

Sid - great mate but rubbish at making tea.
Blamire, Foggy, Seymour and Truly - big lanky dollops but their antics kept him from going mad.
Nora - Yorkshire's Audrey Hepburn but needs to get rid of those stockings!
Clegg - a loyal, steadfast friend who he would do anything for and thanks him for everything including keeping one hidden secret.
Howard's love triangle - it'll never amount to anything but if Marina's ever got a loose end he'll happily help her out.

At the end Clegg gets up and addresses the audience. He has had a few beers and feeling rather courageous - he thanks Alvin for
the chance to see see again friends of the past. He says they should all raise a glass to those gone and informs the Vicar in
the audience about that secret; there is home made plonk that he, Compo and Wally hid under the stage many years ago one July
but never had the bottle to go back and retrieve. The lights go out and the familiar refrain of 'Oh Howard!' is heard but
instead of it's usual exclaimer it's a certain Mrs Sibshaw who looks rather flustered when they flicker back on. The Vicar
emerges triumphantly with the remaining bottle giving Clegg once again the final line;
'That's it, the Last of the Summer Wine!'.​